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Anders Ragnar Örtenblad

Institutt for arbeidsliv og innovasjon
+47 37233185
Kontor A163 (Jon Lilletuns vei 3, 4879 Grimstad, Norway)


Anders Örtenblad er professor i arbeidslivsvitenskap ved Institutt for arbeidsliv og innovasjon på Handelshøyskolen ved Universitetet i Agder, Norge. Han har en bachelorgrad i personalarbeid/HRM fra Göteborgs universitet, Sverige, og har en doktorgrad i bedriftsøkonomi fra Göteborgs universitet, Sverige.

Örtenblad er medlem av redaktørråd for tidskriftene Management Learning og International Journal of Management Reviews.

Forskningen, som hovedsakelig (men ikke eksklusivt) har sett på lærende organisasjoner og organisatorisk læring, management-idéer og -måter, management- og ledelsesutdanning, og metaforer, har resultert i publikasjoner i tidsskrifter som «Human Relations», «Management Learning» og «International Journal of Management Reviews». Han har også vært redaktør for flere bøker, som har blitt publisert av forlag som Edward Elgar Publishing, Oxford University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge og Sage.  

Örtenblad har tidligere arbeidet ved et annet universitet i Norge, ved et britisk universitet i Kina, samt ved flere universiteter og høgskoler i Sverige. Han har et stort internasjonalt nettverk.


Faglige interesser

Lærende organisasjon


Managementidéer og -moter

Ledelse- og lederskapsutdanning


Metaforer og deres anvendelse i forskning, utdanning og konsulting



- Teamledelse og organisasjonslæring, Industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse, masterprogram, Innovasjon og kunnskapsutvikling, masterprogram, UiA;

- Læring og innovasjon i arbeidslivet med prosjektoppgave, Økonomi og administrasjon, bachelorprogram, Grimstad, HR og organisasjonsutvikling, UiA

- Organisasjonsutvikling, HR og organisasjonsutvikling, UiA


Tidligere (blant annet):

Organisasjonsadferd; Ledelse, Organisasjonslæring; Kvalitativ Metode/Metodologi; Å Publisere Artikler; Organisasjonspsykologi; Organisasjon; Organisasjonsteori; Management-moter; Redovisning/Bokføring

(på ulike universitet hovedsakelig i Norge, Sverige og Kina)


  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2024). Toward an increased understanding of the learning turn: Background and introduction. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (Red.), Making sense of the learning turn: Why and in what sense toys, organizations, economies, and cities are “learning”. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780192865977. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780192865977.003.0001.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2024). On the usage of the premodifier learning among scholars and practitioners. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (Red.), Making sense of the learning turn: Why and in what sense toys, organizations, economies, and cities are “learning”. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780192865977. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780192865977.003.0002.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2024). Learning city, knowledge city, smart city: Three mountains in the same range. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (Red.), Making sense of the learning turn: Why and in what sense toys, organizations, economies, and cities are “learning”. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780192865977. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780192865977.003.0021.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2024). Comparing two similar terms in which learning is the premodifier: A study of seven term couples. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (Red.), Making sense of the learning turn: Why and in what sense toys, organizations, economies, and cities are “learning”. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780192865977. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780192865977.003.0018.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2024). Belonging and being unique: The dual function of the learning premodifier. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (Red.), Making sense of the learning turn: Why and in what sense toys, organizations, economies, and cities are “learning”. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780192865977. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780192865977.003.0019.
  • Örtenblad, Anders & Alpaslan-Danisman, Sumeyra (2024). On Color Metaphors in Organization Studies. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), The Oxford Handbook of Metaphor in Organization Studies. Oxford University Press. ISSN 978-0-19-289570-7. s. 230–247.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2024). Organizational Metaphors of the Future: Some Suggested Types of Further Research. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), The Oxford Handbook of Metaphor in Organization Studies. Oxford University Press. ISSN 978-0-19-289570-7. s. 451–466.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2024). Toward an Increasingly Flourishing Use of Metaphor/s in Organization Studies. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), The Oxford Handbook of Metaphor in Organization Studies. Oxford University Press. ISSN 978-0-19-289570-7. s. 1–40.
  • Sandnes, Frode Eika; Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar & Bøhn, Einar Duenger (2023). For or Against Equal Pay? A Study of Common Perceptions. Compensation and Benefits Review. ISSN 0886-3687. 55(3), s. 87–110. doi: 10.1177/08863687231162812. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Rehn, Alf & Örtenblad, Anders (2023). Afterword. I Rehn, Alf & Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Debating Innovation: Perspectives and Paradoxes of an Idealized Concept. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-031-16665-5. s. 413–414.
  • Rehn, Alf & Örtenblad, Anders (2023). Introduction. I Rehn, Alf & Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Debating Innovation: Perspectives and Paradoxes of an Idealized Concept. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-031-16665-5. s. 3–11. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-16666-2_1.
  • Koris, Riina & Örtenblad, Anders (2022). Introducing the Debate on the Legitimacy of Business Schools. I Örtenblad, Anders & Koris, Riina (Red.), Debating Business School Legitimacy: Attacking, Rocking, and Defending the Status Quo. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-031-12724-3. s. 3–46. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-12725-0_1.
  • Hertel, Frederik; Örtenblad, Anders & Jørgensen, Kenneth Mølbjerg (2022). Introducing the Debate on Leaderless Management. I Hertel, Frederik; Örtenblad, Anders & Jørgensen, Kenneth Mølbjerg (Red.), Debating Leaderless Management: Can Employees Do Without Leaders?. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-031-04592-9.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2021). The learning organization: the time is ripe for starting to certify the idea. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal. ISSN 1477-7282. doi: 10.1108/DLO-04-2021-0060.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2021). Background and Introduction: Why Debating Equal Pay for All? I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Debating Equal Pay for All: Economy, Practicability and Ethics. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-53575-9. s. 1–18.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2021). Background and Introduction: Why Debating Bad Leadership? I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Debating Bad Leadership: Reasons and Remedies. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-65025-4. s. 3–33.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2020). Background and Introduction: How Could Anyone Be Against Entrepreneurship? I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Against Entrepreneurship A Critical Examination. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 9783030479367. s. 1–18. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-47937-4_1.
  • Jones, David R.; Visser, Max; Stokes, Peter; Örtenblad, Anders ; Deem, Rosemary & Rodgers, Peter [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2020). Special Issue Introduction: "The Performative University: ‘Targets’, ‘Terror’ and ‘Taking Back Freedom’ in Academia". Management Learning. ISSN 1350-5076. 51(4), s. 363–377. doi: 10.1177/1350507620927554.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2019). Suggestions for future research on the learning organization. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), The Oxford Handbook of The Learning Organization. Oxford University Press. ISSN 978-0198832355. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198832355.013.35.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2019). Contextualizing the learning organization: Towards differentiated standards. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), The Oxford Handbook of The Learning Organization. Oxford University Press. ISSN 978-0198832355. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198832355.013.22.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2019). Background and Introduction. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), The Oxford Handbook of The Learning Organization. Oxford University Press. ISSN 978-0198832355.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2018). Why universities should give bachelor programs in leadership. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Professionalizing Leadership. Debating Education, Certification and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-319-71784-5. s. 403–408. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-71785-2_25.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2018). Preparing for turning leadership into a true profession. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Professionalizing Leadership. Debating Education, Certification and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-319-71784-5. s. 349–358. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-71785-2_19.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2018). Background and introduction: Leadership as a profession and as the main theme on bachelor programs. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Professionalizing Leadership. Debating Education, Certification and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-319-71784-5. s. 3–30. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-71785-2_1.
  • Fjelldal, Carina & Örtenblad, Anders (2018). Introduksjon til boken. I Fjelldal, Carina & Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Faglig kommunikasjon i praksis. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215030777. s. 11–22.
  • Örtenblad, Anders ; Koris, Riina & Pihlak, Ülle (2017). Does it matter who teaches you? A study on the relevance of matching students' and teachers' personalities. The International Journal of Management Education. ISSN 1472-8117. 15(3), s. 520–527. doi: 10.1016/j.ijme.2017.10.001.
  • Sundet, Marit Lillian; Forstorp, Per-Anders & Örtenblad, Anders (2017). Introduction and Background. I Sundet, Marit Lillian; Forstorp, Per-Anders & Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Higher Education in the High North: Academic Exchanges between Norway and Russia. Springer. ISSN 978-3-319-56832-4. s. 1–17. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-56832-4_1.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2017). A Contextual Perspective on Organizational Learning. I Hong, Jacky; Snell, Robin & Rowley, Chris (Red.), Organizational Learning in Asia. Elsevier. ISSN 9780081009833. s. 173–186.
  • Marling, Raili; Vasiljevic, Snjezana & Örtenblad, Anders (2017). Conclusion. I Örtenblad, Anders ; Marling, Raili & Vasiljevic, Snjezana (Red.), Gender Equality in a Global Perspective. Routledge. ISSN 9781138193246. s. 295–302.
  • Vasiljevic, Snjezana; Marling, Raili & Örtenblad, Anders (2017). Introduction: Different Dimensions of Gender Equality in a Comparative Perspective. I Örtenblad, Anders ; Marling, Raili & Vasiljevic, Snjezana (Red.), Gender Equality in a Global Perspective. Routledge. ISSN 9781138193246. s. 15–31.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2017). Approaches to Using Metaphors in Organizational Analysis: Morgan’s Metaphors and Beyond. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar; Trehan, Kiran & Putnam, Linda L. (Red.), Exploring Morgan’s Metaphors: Theory, Research, and Practice in Organizational Studies. Sage Publications. ISSN 9781506318776. s. 54–86. doi: 10.4135/9781506318752.n4.
  • Putnam, Linda L.; Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar & Trehan, Kiran (2017). Introduction: From Theory to Application of Metaphor in Organizational Analysis. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar; Trehan, Kiran & Putnam, Linda L. (Red.), Exploring Morgan’s Metaphors: Theory, Research, and Practice in Organizational Studies. Sage Publications. ISSN 9781506318776. s. 2–14. doi: 10.4135/9781506318752.n1.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2016). Conclusions, A Contingency Model of CSR and Recommendations for Further Research. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Research Handbook on Corporate Social Responsibility in Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781783474790. s. 387–400. doi: 10.4337/9781783474806.00035.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2016). Introduction: Establishing the Art of Contextualizing CSR as a Research Area. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Research Handbook on Corporate Social Responsibility in Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781783474790. s. 3–16. doi: 10.4337/9781783474806.00009.
  • Koris, Riina; Örtenblad, Anders & Ojala, Triinu (2016). From maintaining the status quo to promoting free thinking and inquiry: Business students’ perspective on the purpose of business school teaching. Management Learning. ISSN 1350-5076. 48(2), s. 174–186. doi: 10.1177/1350507616668480.
  • Lamb, Peter; Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar & Hsu, Shih-wei (2016). ‘Pedagogy as Translation’: Extending the Horizons of Translation Theory. International Journal of Management Reviews. ISSN 1460-8545. 18(3), s. 351–365. doi: 10.1111/ijmr.12098.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar; Putnam, Linda L. & Trehan, Kiran (2016). Beyond Morgan's eight metaphors: Adding to and developing organizational theory. Human Relations. ISSN 0018-7267. 69(4), s. 875–889. doi: 10.1177/0018726715623999.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2016). In between smorgasbord and table d’hôte: à la carte learning organization. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal. ISSN 1477-7282. 30(1), s. 6–9. doi: 10.1108/DLO-07-2014-0055.
  • Löfström, Carina Abrahamson; Örtenblad, Anders & Sheaff, Rod (2016). Should healthcare organizations adopt, abandon or adapt management innovations? Management Innovations for Healthcare Organizations: Adopt, Abandon or Adapt?. Routledge. ISSN 9781138825697. s. 431–450.
  • Sheaff, Rod; Löfström, Carina Abrahamson & Örtenblad, Anders (2016). Healthcare organizations and managerial innovations from an international perspective, Management Innovations for Healthcare Organizations: Adopt, Abandon or Adapt?. Routledge. ISSN 9781138825697. s. 16–30.
  • Örtenblad, Anders; Löfström, Carina Abrahamson & Sheaff, Rod (2016). The relevance of management innovations for healthcare organizations, Management Innovations for Healthcare Organizations: Adopt, Abandon or Adapt?. Routledge. ISSN 9781138825697. s. 3–15.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar; Lamb, Peter & Hsu, Shih-wei (2015). Empowering students to translate management panaceas. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (Red.), Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas: Adaptation and Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781783475599. s. 380–396. doi: 10.4337/9781783475605.00037.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar; Hsu, Shih-wei & Lamb, Peter (2015). A stakeholder approach to advising on the relevance of management ideas and panaceas. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (Red.), Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas: Adaptation and Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781783475599. s. 204–220. doi: 10.4337/9781783475605.00026.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2015). Towards a normative theory of contextualizing management ideas and panaceas. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (Red.), Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas: Adaptation and Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781783475599. s. 477–485. doi: 10.4337/9781783475605.00043.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2015). Researcher intervention in the process of contextualizing fashionable management ideas: Some previous experiences. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (Red.), Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas: Adaptation and Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781783475599. s. 190–203. doi: 10.4337/9781783475605.00025.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2015). Establishing the art of contextualizing management idaes and panaceas as a research field. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (Red.), Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas: Adaptation and Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781783475599. s. 3–24. doi: 10.4337/9781783475605.00012.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2015). Towards increased relevance: context-adapted models of the learning organization. Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. 22(3), s. 163–181. doi: 10.1108/TLO-06-2014-0027.
  • Koris, Riina; Örtenblad, Anders; Kerem, Katri & Ojala, Triinu (2015). Student-customer orientation at a higher education institution: the perspective of undergraduate business students. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education. ISSN 0884-1241. 25(1), s. 29–44. doi: 10.1080/08841241.2014.972486.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2014). Conclusions, a contingency model of knowledge management and recommendations for further research. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Handbook of Research on Knowledge Management: Adaptation and Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978 1 78347 041 9. s. 440–450. doi: 10.4337/9781783470426.00036.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2024). Making sense of the learning turn: Why and in what sense toys, organizations, economies, and cities are “learning”. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780192865977.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2024). The Oxford Handbook of Metaphor in Organization Studies. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-289570-7. 500 s.
  • Rehn, Alf & Örtenblad, Anders (2023). Debating Innovation: Perspectives and Paradoxes of an Idealized Concept. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-031-16665-5. 419 s.
  • Örtenblad, Anders & Koris, Riina (2022). Debating Business School Legitimacy: Attacking, Rocking, and Defending the Status Quo. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-031-12724-3. 327 s.
  • Hertel, Frederik; Örtenblad, Anders & Jørgensen, Kenneth Mølbjerg (2022). Debating Leaderless Management: Can Employees Do Without Leaders? Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-031-04592-9. 364 s.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2021). Debating Equal Pay for All: Economy, Practicability and Ethics. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-53575-9.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2021). Debating Bad Leadership: Reasons and Remedies. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-65025-4.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2020). Debating equal pay for all. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3030535742. 320 s.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2020). Against Entrepreneurship A Critical Examination. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783030479367. 286 s.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2019). The Oxford Handbook of The Learning Organization. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0198832355. 544 s.
  • Fjelldal, Carina & Örtenblad, Anders (2018). Faglig kommunikasjon i praksis. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215030777. 208 s.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2018). Professionalizing Leadership. Debating Education, Certification and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-71784-5. 425 s.
  • Sundet, Marit Lillian; Forstorp, Per-Anders & Örtenblad, Anders (2017). Higher Education in the High North: Academic Exchanges between Norway and Russia. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-56832-4. 276 s.
  • Örtenblad, Anders ; Marling, Raili & Vasiljevic, Snjezana (2017). Gender Equality in a Global Perspective. Routledge. ISBN 9781138193246. 290 s.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar; Trehan, Kiran & Putnam, Linda L. (2017). Exploring Morgan’s Metaphors: Theory, Research, and Practice in Organizational Studies. Sage Publications. ISBN 9781506318776. 304 s.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2016). Research Handbook on Corporate Social Responsibility in Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781783474790. 433 s.
  • Örtenblad, Anders; Löfström, Carina Abrahamson & Sheaff, Rod (2016). Management Innovations for Healthcare Organizations: Adopt, Abandon or Adapt? Routledge. ISBN 9781138825697. 461 s.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2015). Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas: Adaptation and Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781783475599. 508 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Örtenblad, Anders (2023). Världen behöver fler som kan ställa bra frågor. Khrono.no. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2023). Är vi helt säkra på att vi är på rätt väg? Om tävlandet inom akademin . Khrono.no. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2023). "Fremtidens handelshøyskole – legitimitet eller særegenhet?" (på basis/underlag av en presentasjon av den nylig lanserte boka: «Debating Business School Legitimacy. Attacking, Rocking, and Defending the Status Quo»).
  • Örtenblad, Anders & Skauge, Tom (2023). Boklansering kombinert med forelesning om ideer om "den ideale handelshøgskulen" (den lanserte boka er: «Debating Business School Legitimacy. Attacking, Rocking, and Defending the Status Quo»).
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2023). Panelist ved UiA sin "administrativ fagdag" på temaet "behöver en spörre lederen sin om ALLT?".
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2023). Bad Leadership. I Goethals, George R.; Allison, Scott T. & Sorenson, Georgia J. (Red.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Leadership Studies . Sage Publications. ISSN 9781071840849. s. 46–47.
  • Örtenblad, Anders & Nyström, Anna (2022). Varför existerar dåligt ledarskap fortfarande? [Fagblad]. Ingenjören.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar & Gjone, Ingvild Torjussen (2021). Slik kan du få viljen din uten å vekke motvilje. Agderposten. ISSN 0805-3723.
  • Örtenblad, Anders & Frizell, Elsa (2021). Fem orsaker till dåligt ledarskap. [Fagblad]. Du&Jobbet.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2021). Preface. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Debating Bad Leadership: Reasons and Remedies. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-65025-4.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2020). Editorial. Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. 27(1), s. 1–5. doi: 10.1108/TLO-01-2020-243.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2020). What to consider if you want to publish your work in academic journals.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2020). Certification for Organizational Learning.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2020). Är det dags att börja certifiera "lärande organisationer"?
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2019). Making Your Manuscript Relevant for TLO - from the Editor. Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474.
  • Koris, Riina & Örtenblad, Anders (2019). There’s more to business school students and graduates than meets the eye. Times Higher Education.
  • Fjelldal, Carina & Örtenblad, Anders (2018). Forord. I Fjelldal, Carina & Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Faglig kommunikasjon i praksis. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215030777. s. 9–9.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2018). Preface. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Professionalizing Leadership. Debating Education, Certification and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-319-71784-5. s. xiii–xvi.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2018). What does “learning organization” mean? Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. 25(3), s. 150–158. doi: 10.1108/TLO-02-2018-0016.
  • Sundet, Marit Lillian; Forstorp, Per-Anders & Örtenblad, Anders (2017). Erratum to: Higher education in the high north(Higher Education Dynamics, 48, 10.1007/978-3-319-56832-4). Higher Education Dynamics. ISSN 1571-0378. 48. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-56832-4_14.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2017). Editorial. Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. 24(1), s. 2–12. doi: 10.1108/TLO-11-2016-0081.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2017). Taking "The Learning Organization" into the future: Introduction of and by the new editor. Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. 24(1), s. 2–12. doi: 10.1108/TLO-11-2016-0081.
  • Örtenblad, Anders ; Marling, Raili & Vasiljevic, Snjezana (2017). Preface. I Örtenblad, Anders ; Marling, Raili & Vasiljevic, Snjezana (Red.), Gender Equality in a Global Perspective. Routledge. ISSN 9781138193246. s. xiii–xiii.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar; Putnam, Linda L. & Trehan, Kiran (2017). Preface. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar; Trehan, Kiran & Putnam, Linda L. (Red.), Exploring Morgan’s Metaphors: Theory, Research, and Practice in Organizational Studies. Sage Publications. ISSN 9781506318776. s. xxx–xxxvii.
  • Örtenblad, Anders & Gimson, Anne (2016). Guest editorial: Becoming a leader – a matter of education? Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal. ISSN 1477-7282. 30(6), s. 1–2.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2016). Preface. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Research Handbook on Corporate Social Responsibility in Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781783474790. s. xvi–xviii.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar; Hong, Jacky & Snell, Robin (2016). Good leadership: A mirage in the desert? Human Resource Development International. ISSN 1367-8868. 19(5), s. 349–357. doi: 10.1080/13678868.2016.1216736.
  • Örtenblad, Anders; Abrahamson Löfström, Carina & Sheaff, Rod (2016). Preface, Management Innovations for Healthcare Organizations: Adopt, Abandon or Adapt?. Routledge. ISSN 9781138825697. s. XXV–XXV.
  • Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (2015). Preface. I Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar (Red.), Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas: Adaptation and Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781783475599. s. xxxv–xxxv.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2015). Organisatoriskt lärande. I Näslund, Johan & Jern, Stefan (Red.), Organisationspsykologi. Studentlitteratur AB. ISSN 9789144092287. s. 321–330.
  • Örtenblad, Anders (2014). Preface. I Örtenblad, Anders (Red.), Handbook of Research on Knowledge Management: Adaptation and Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978 1 78347 041 9. s. xviii–xviii.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 16. apr. 2024 11:12