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Theme Gardens

The botanical garden has four themed gardens: Austin Roses, Lundstad Roses, Nectar Garden, and Nature-Friendly Garden.

kart over bed foran ridehuset
1. Austin-Roses, 2. Lundstad-roses, 3. Nectar Garden, 4. Nature-Friendly Garden.

Austin og Lundstad - roses

The roses you find in this garden are cultivated by Arne Lundstad and David Austin. Many of the cultivated roses here are grafted/budded.

Arne Lundstad (born 1916) is the only rose breeder in Norway. Many of his roses are named after figures in Norse mythology.

David Austin was a British rose breeder (born 1926). He emphasized recreating the fragrance of the old garden roses.

Austin and Lundstad roses are by definition what we call "modern roses," although we often refer to them as old rose varieties. Modern roses include all roses and rose groups cultivated after 1867.

Nature-Friendly Garden

The nature-friendly garden is specifically designed for local birds. At first glance, the garden may appear a bit untidy and overgrown, but that's precisely the intention - thickets and bushes provide excellent nesting and hiding spots for birds.

Several of the plants growing here produce fruits and seeds that birds enjoy eating - especially rose hips. Therefore we do not prune the rose bushes when the flowers have withered. We let the rose bushes stand so the birds can eat the rose hips.

©Naturmuseum og Botanisk Hage, UIA/ Lisbeth Breland

Nectar Garden

The Nectar Garden has plants that attract various types of pollinating insects.

The composition of plant species in the nectar garden ensures a long flowering period, thus providing an extended period of food availability for the insects.

The nearby insect hotel provides a habitat for insects, such as solitary bees. Solitary bees are the species of bees that do not live in colonies but individually.

If you wish to assist insects by making an insect hotel yourself, remember that they also need water, in addition to food and a place to live. In front of the cylindrical red building, "The old Riding Hall", stands a large insect hotel, where you can find inspiration if you want to build your own hotel.

Our Insect hotels  

©Naturmuseum og Botanisk Hage, UIA/ Lisbeth Breland


Published Apr. 5, 2024 - Last modified Apr. 8, 2024