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Syntetiske estere i hydrauliske ventiler

Jannik Hartwig Jakobsen of the Faculty of Engineering and Science has submitted his thesis «Synthetic Esters in Hydraulic Valves», and will defend the thesis for the PhD-degree Wednesday 27 May 2020. (Photo: Private)

One way of reducing the pollution caused by hydraulic oil lost in nature is to replace the standard mineral oil with an Environmentally Acceptable Liquid - EAL.

Jannik Hartwig Jakobsen

Ph.d.kandidat og Project manager

Jannik Hartwig Jakobsen disputerer for ph.d.-graden med avhandlingen «Synthetic Esters in Hydraulic Valves» onsdag 3. juni 2020.

I avhandlingen har han forsket på hvorvidt syntetiske estere, i form av Environmentally Acceptable Liquid - EALs - miljømessig akseptable væsker, kan erstatte eller delvis erstatte mineralsk hydraulikkolje som smøremiddel for ventiler.

Jannik Hartwig Jakobsen har fulgt doktorgradsprogrammet ved Fakultet for teknologi og realfag, med spesialisering i mekatronikk. Stipendiatperioden er delfinansiert av Cameron – Schlumberger.

Slik oppsummerer Jannik Jakobsen selv avhandlingen:

Synthetic Esters in Hydraulic Valves

Each year 35-37 million tons of lubrication is consumed.

Hydraulic oils constitute 10.2% of the total lubrication consumption, and a large part of that is lost to leakage, hose burst and accidents.

Can EALs replace mineral oil

One way of reducing the pollution caused by hydraulic oil lost in nature is to replace the standard mineral oil with an Environmentally Acceptable Liquid - EAL.

EALs are already being used but to an extent, that is somewhat sector dependant, and

reluctance amongst system designers is one of the factors limiting the usage.

Effects of using Synthetic Ester oils

The thesis maps the current knowledge on Environmetally Acceptable Liquids (EALs) and more specifically studies the effects of using Synthetic Ester oils (HEES) on hydraulic valve behavior.

Two of the most commonly used valves in hydraulics are selected for studies:

  • The pressure compensated directional control valve, PCPDCV
  • The counterbalance valve, CBV.

The studies are heavily based on experiments and use lump-parameter models computational fluid dynamics to characterize the observed behavior.

Standard mineral oil with improved viscosity/temperature properties, HV, was used for reference, and compared to a partially saturated synthetic ester and a fully saturated synthetic ester.

Experiments were run at 20°C-60°C resulting in a benchmark targeting actual system design, where temperature, in general, cannot be assumed constant.


Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig her: 




Kandidaten: Jannik Hartwig Jakobsen (1985, Randers, Danmark) BA og MA fra Aalborg Universitet. Arbeider nå som Project manager i J.H. Stålindustri i Spentrup, Randers kommune i Danmark.

Prøveforelesning og disputas finner sted digitalt på internett i konferanseprogrammet Zoom (lenke under) 2020.

Disputasen blir ledet av instituttleder, professor Geir Grasmo, Institutt for ingeniørvitenskap, UiA

Prøveforelesning kl 10:15

Disputas kl 12:15

Oppgitt emne for prøveforelesning: "Physical-hydraulic properties of fluids and their implications on the proper functioning of fluid power drives"

Tittel på avhandling: «Synthetic Esters in Hydraulic Valves»

Søk etter avhandlingen i AURA - Agder University Research Archive, som er et digitalt arkiv for vitenskapelige artikler, avhandlinger og masteroppgaver fra ansatte og studenter ved Universitetet i Agder. AURA blir jevnlig oppdatert.


Førsteopponent: Professor Rudolf Scheidl, Institute of Machine Design and Hydraulic Drives, Johannes Kepler University, Østerrike

Annenopponent: Professor Heikki Handroos, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

Bedømmelseskomitéen er ledet av professor Sathyajith Mathew Institutt for ingeniørvitenskap, Universitetet i Agder

Veiledere i doktorgradsarbeidet var professor Michael Rygaard Hansen (hovedveileder) og professor Henrik Kofoed Nielsen (medveileder)

Opponent ex auditorio:

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