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Non-profitt-organisasjoners valg av innsatsområder

Amila Buddhika Sirisena disputerer for ph.d.-graden med avhandlingen “International Market Selection of Nonprofit Organizations” tirsdag 23. oktober 2018. (Foto: Privat)

Despite the growing importance, international expansion of non-profit sector has rarely been studied.

Amila Buddhika Sirisena

Ph.d.-kandidat / universitetslektor

Hvordan velger non-profit organisasjoner (NPO) – som Redd Barna - land og områder de går inn i? Amila Buddhika Sirisena har forsket på hvilke valg NPO-ene tar i avhandlingen han forsvarer for doktorgraden 23. oktober.

Amila Buddhika Sirisena disputerer for ph.d.-graden med avhandlingen «International Market Selection of Nonprofit Organizations” tirsdag 23. oktober2018.

Han har fulgt doktorgradsprogrammet ved Handelshøyskolen ved UiA.

Slik beskriver kandidaten selv essensen i avhandlingen:

How do NPO’s choose priority areas?

Despite the growing importance, international expansion of non-profit sector has rarely been studied.

Even though non-profit organizations are fundamentally different from mainstream for-profit organizations, due to their unique characteristics, we observe lot of usage of for-profit theories to explain the non-profit sector.

Therefore the present research argues for the need for new theory to explain the international expansion of the non-profit sector by examining the operational locations of non-profit organizations (NPOs); both traditional and hybrid.

Country selections by NPOs

The research found that traditional NPOs tend to select countries which are less developed, more risky, favored by their home governments and already got other NPOs operating within them, while trying to avoid institutionally weakest countries.

In terms of hybrid NPOs we found that while they prefer countries which are comparatively less developed and governed by relatively weak institutions, they try to avoid risky countries in their country selection efforts.

The research empirically proves the differences in country selection efforts among non-profits and for-profits and highlights the importance of more research in the area.


Kandidaten: Amila Buddhika Sirisena (1981) Matara, Sri Lanka. BSc in Marketing from University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka, PG Diploma in Marketing from Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK, MBA in Marketing from University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, MSc in International Management from University of Agder, Norway. Nå arbeider han som Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.

Prøveforelesning og disputas finner sted i Sørlandet auditorium, Kunnskapsparken, Campus Kristiansand tirsdag 23. oktober 2018

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Trond Randøy.

Prøveforelesning kl 11:15

Disputas kl 12:45

Oppgitt emne for prøveforelesning: «Compare contract failure theory, transaction cost economics and agency theory and discuss their applicability on the issues dealt with in the dissertation (country selection and entry mode)

Tittel på avhandling: «International Market Selection of Nonprofit Organizations”

Søk etter avhandlingen i AURA - Agder University Research Archive, som er et digitalt arkiv for vitenskapelige artikler, avhandlinger og masteroppgaver fra ansatte og studenter ved Universitetet i Agder. AURA blir jevnlig oppdatert. Avhandlingen vil være tilgjengelig til utlån ved Universitetsbiblioteket. Det vil bli også lagt ut noen eksemplarer av avhandlingen til utlån i lokalet hvor disputasen finner sted.


Førsteopponent: Professor Antonella Zucchella, University of Pavia/Anglia Ruskin University, UK

Annenopponent: Professor emeritus Carl Arthur Solberg, BI

Bedømmelseskomitéen er ledet av professor Sangeeta Singh, UiA

Veiledere i doktorgradsarbeidet var førsteamanuensis Rotem Shneor, UiA (hovedveileder) og professor Roy Mersland, UiA (bi-veileder)