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Forståelsen av mikrofinans-organisasjoner som utvikling både sosialt og finansielt

Samuel Anokye Nyarko at the School of Business and Law, University of Agder and the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université libre de Bruxelles has submitted his thesis entitled “Essays on the Performance, Subsidization and Internationalization of Social Enterprises” and will discuss it with the assessment committee Thursday 23 April 2020.

By taking performance, subsidization and internationalization perspectives, this thesis contributes to understanding the hybridity of social enterprises and how this hybridity drives their general operations and key decisions such as foreign market selection and targeting strategy.

Samuel Anokye Nyarko

Ph.d.-kandidat og vitenskapelig assistent

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Samuel Anokye Nyarko disputerer for ph.d.-graden med avhandlingen “Essays on the Performance, Subsidization and Internationalization of Social Enterprises” torsdag 23. april 2020.

I doktorgradsarbeidet har Nyarko forsket på sosiale foretak – nærmere bestemt mikrofinansorganisasjoner – som ønsker å angripe samfunnsutfordringer ved å bruke alminnelige forretningsmodeller.

At organisasjonene er hybride innebærer i denne sammenhengen at de har to mål for virksomheten: Sosial og finansiell utvikling.

Samuel Anokye Nyarko har fulgt doktorgradsprogrammet ved Handelshøyskolen ved UiA. Doktorgradsarbeidet er en cotutelle-doktorgrad i samarbeid med Université libre de Bruxelles.

Forskningen er finansiert av bidrag fra Fonds Thiepolam og the Centre for European Research in Microfinance (CERMi) ved Université libre de Bruxelles og stipendmidler gjennom Universitetet i Agder.

Slik oppsummerer Samuel Anokye Nyarko selv avhandlingen:

Understanding the hybridity of social enterprises

Social enterprises are hybrid organizations that tackle societal challenges by using conventional business models.

Being hybrid organizations means that social enterprises pursue dual objectives: social (developmental) and financial.

By taking performance, subsidization and internationalization perspectives, this thesis contributes to understanding the hybridity of social enterprises and how this hybridity drives their general operations and key decisions such as foreign market selection and targeting strategy.

The four studies which comprise the thesis use data from social enterprises which are involved in microfinance business.  Below is a summary of the respective studies.


The first study assesses the social performance of microfinance organizations (MFOs) based on the organizations’ own stated social mission(s).

The results show a strong coherence between stated missions and associated outcomes, suggesting that MFOs harness resources to fulfill their own stated mission rather than fulfilling some notional mission.

The implication is for policy makers and other stakeholders to acknowledge the diversity among social enterprises and judge individual organizations according to their own stated missions.


The second study examines the effect of corporate governance on the subsidization of social enterprises by distinguishing between two main types of subsidies, donations and concessional loans.

The findings suggest that whereas there is a positive relationship between the level of subsidies from concessional loans and governance, the level of donations is insensitive to governance.


The third study investigates the relationship between gender discrimination and microfinance outreach to women and tests the moderating effect of an international founder.

According to the results, microfinance outreach to women is low in contexts where women face much discrimination.

The negative effect of gender discrimination on outreach to women is moderated by an international founder.

These findings suggest that MFIs may require foreign support to effectively supply banking services to women in patriarchal societies.


The final study investigates social enterprises' international market selection decision based on host countries’ macroeconomic conditions.

The findings show that the international market selection decision of social enterprises is tied to their hybridity. Thus, social enterprises expand into countries where they can balance their social and financial objectives.


Kandidaten: Samuel Anokye Nyarko (1989; Ajumako - Baa, Central Region, Ghana) Bachelorgrad fra Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. Mastergrad fra Universitetet i Agder, med mastergradsoppgaven "The influence of international ownership on the performance of microfinance institutions" (2016). Autorisert regnskapsfører fra Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICAG). Arbeider i dag som vitenskapelig assistent ved Institutt for strategi og ledelse, UiA.

Prøveforelesning og disputas finner sted på zoom (se link under), 23.april 2020.

Disputasen blir ledet av instituttleder ved Institutt for strategi og ledelse, førsteamanuensis Bjørn-Tore Flåten.

Prøveforelesning kl 14:00

Disputas kl 15:00

Oppgitt emne for prøveforelesning: «Trust and Gender in Microfinance»

Tittel på avhandling: “Essays on the Performance, Subsidization and Internationalization of Social Enterprises

Søk etter avhandlingen i AURA - Agder University Research Archive, som er et digitalt arkiv for vitenskapelige artikler, avhandlinger og masteroppgaver fra ansatte og studenter ved Universitetet i Agder. AURA blir jevnlig oppdatert.


Førsteopponent: Professor Tyler Wry, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Annenopponent: Professor Anastasia Cozarenco, Montpellier Business School, Frankrike

Bedømmelseskomitéen er ledet av professor Lars Oxelheim, Institutt for økonomi, Universitetet i Agder.

Veiledere i doktorgradsarbeidet var professor Roy Mersland, Universitetet i Agder og professor Ariane Szafarz, Université libre de Bruxelles

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Opponent ex auditorio: Disputasleder inviterer til spørsmål ex auditorio i innledningen i disputasen, med tidsfrister. Disputasleders e-post er tilgjengelig i chat-funksjonen under disputasen. Spørsmål kan sendes på e-post til disputasleder Bjørn-Tore Flåten bjorn-tore.flaten@uia.no.

Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig her: https://uia.brage.unit.no/uia-xmlui/handle/11250/2655387