Research programme

PhD programme in Social Sciences


A PhD degree gives you the opportunity to further your knowledge and understanding in social science disciplines, as well as to develop skills in planning and carrying out high-quality research. It also gives you the opportunity to contribute to important discoveries and contribute to solving societal challenges. Furthermore, having a PhD may open the doors to career opportunities in academia, in business or in the public sector.

Three people are having a conversation while several people are seated in the background

Facts about the program

Upon agreement

About the research programme

The programme offers PhD education within all the faculty’s disciplines and relevant research fields. The overall purpose of the programme is to give the PhD candidates a thorough theoretical and methodological background, along with the experience of completing a substantial piece of original scientific work (the PhD thesis).

The degree is awarded based on approved course component, an academic dissertation, a trial lecture and a public defence.

The PhD programme is a total of 180 ECTS, which is three years full time studies. The coursework component consists of a minimum of 30 ECTS credits. There are possibilities to have a fourth year financed through a work component, this is upon individual agreements and specialisation.


The faculty offers specialisation in the following fields 

Specialisation in Global Development and Planning

Specialisation i Information Systems

Specialisation in Public Administration

Specialisation in Sociology and Social Work

Programme structure

The PhD specialisation is organised to be completed over a three-year period. The first year is devoted to coursework and the beginning of the work with the thesis.

The coursework component comprises a core course in the chosen specialisation, mandatory course in philosophy of science and research methodology and elective courses.

The PhD specialisation is organised to be completed over a three-year period. The first year is devoted to coursework and the beginning of the work with the thesis. The coursework component consists of a total of 30 ECTS. All candidates must complete a minimum of 15 ECTS in philosophy of science including a course in the chosen methodology, and core courses of 15 ects in the chosen specialisation. The detailed course plan must be set up in cooperation with the candidate’s supervisor. The coursework component is carried out in parallel with the development of the thesis throughout the entire study programme.

Career prospects

Candidates from the Ph.D. program work in the public and private sector, in academia both at UiA and other educational institutions. Externally funded candidates usually return to their regular job and continue with research in their own organization.


See disputations at the Faculty of Social Sciences


Picture of Hege Bergljot Wallevik
PhD programme leader
+47 38 14 22 22
Picture of Cecilie Rygh Mawdsley
Administrative PhD coordinator
+47 38 14 23 82