Research programme

PhD programme in Humanities and Education


The programme leads to the academic degree Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) in Humanities and Education, specialisation in either literary science, linguistics, pedagogy or religion, philosophy and history.

Two women talking in the library (photo)

Facts about the program

ECTS credits:
3 years
Mode of study:
Upon agreement

About the research programme

The PhD programme is a supervised researcher education. PhD candidates receive formal teaching and supervision which provide them with broad scholarly insight both regarding both theory and method as well as a further specialisation which makes them capable of carrying out independent research. The aim of the education is for the candidates to achieve scientific competence at the highest level and to further develop the candidates’ qualifications for research and other work in their respective fields.

Programme description

The PhD degree is awarded on the basis of

  • A completed and approved training component
  • The academic thesis
  • A doctoral degree trial (a trial lecture and a disputation)

The doctoral degree programme is regulated to 180 credits, equivalent to three years of full-time study.

The training component, which runs parallel to the work with the thesis throughout the entire agreement period, is individual to each PhD candidate and is drawn up in cooperation with the supervisor. The aim of the training component is both that candidates should include broader perspectives into their PhD programme and that the courses of the training component will support the candidates’ work with the thesis both theoretically and methodically. Through courses, seminars and conferences the students will become familiar with scientific thinking and practice, with special emphasis on current and problem-oriented research.

The training component comprises 30 credits and is composed of the following courses/activities:

Compulsory part (12-15 credits):

  • HP-600 Theory of science, methodology and research ethics, 10 credits
  • Participation in international conferences with paper/lecture/abstract, 1-3 credits
  • Other forms of dissemination (e.g. article, chronicle, speech, podcast) 1-2 credits

Elective part: (12-18 credits):

  • Subject-related courses

The candidate’s choice of courses is done in consultation with the supervisor. Elective courses should preferably be taken at UiA or at one of the researcher schools to which the Faculty is linked. Other alternative and relevant courses at other doctoral educations or course providers on a similar level may be approved upon application. For participation in international conferences, PhD candidates may get up to 3 credits approved.

Each PhD candidate will have both a main supervisor and a co-supervisor.

The candidates will also be included in one of the Faculty’s research groups.

The PhD programme at the Faculty of Humanities and Education have the following specialisations:

  • Specialisation in literary studies
  • Specialisation in Linguistics
  • Specialisation in Education
  • Specialisation in  Religion, Philosophy and History

Learning outcomes

Candidates who have completed a PhD programme in Humanities and Education should achieve the following learning outcomes after completion of the training and submission of the thesis.

After having completed the PhD degree, the candidate will

  • Have scientific competence at the highest level and be at the forefront of knowledge within his/her academic field
  • Be able to assess the appropriateness and use of various methods, scientific thinking and research
  • Be able to contribute through own research to the development of new knowledge

After having completed the PhD degree, the candidate will be able to:

  • Formulate research questions, and to plan and conduct research and development work within his/her own academic field
  • Conduct independent research at a high international level
  • Deal with complex professional issues and challenge established knowledge within his/her academic field

General competence
After having completed the PhD degree, the candidate will be able to

  • Identify relevant research questions and to conduct own research in an independent and ethical manner and with professional integrity.
  • Manage complex professional and interdisciplinary tasks and projects
  • Disseminate results from research- and development work through recognised national and international channels
  • Take part in debates within own academic field in national and international forums
  • Assess the need for, take the initiative to and conduct innovation work

Working - and assessment methods

Independent research work, participation at national and international conferences with own contributions, seminars and courses, discussions, presentations at PhD seminars.

Each PhD specialisation regularly arranges presentation seminars where candidates present their own work and comment on others’ presentations. Participation in these seminars is compulsory.

The most labour-intensive and challenging part of the doctoral education is to write the thesis. The thesis must be an independent work of research, present new academic knowledge and be at a level which allows it to be published as part of the scientific literature of the field. The thesis may be a monograph or an article-based work.

All PhD candidates at the Faculty of Humanities and Education must complete two seminars:  one midway through the programme and the other at the end of the programme.

The working – and assessment methods that will be used in the PhD courses are described in the individual course descriptions.


Admission to the PhD programme at the Faculty of Humanities and Education presupposes a postgraduate examination in one of the subjects that are taught by the Faculty, or, alternatively, an education that is deemed as equivalent by the Faculty. Students with an international master’s degree may be admitted.

See also Regulations for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the University of Agder and Supplementary Regulations for the degree of PhD at the Faculty of Humanities and Education.


This study programme is offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Education