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Specialisation in Mathematical Sciences

Photo of a hand writing on a piece of paper


Within the specialisation in Mathematical Sciences, there are two scientific fields: 

  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics Education

Compulsory courses

The compulsory courses may be substituted by courses at other institutions at an equivalent level if the candidate and supervisors argue (1) the substituted course is better aligned to the candidate’s research AND (2) the candidate has other education or experience that provides the breadth of knowledge expected. The PhD Board must agree any substitution of a course.

Elective courses

Several elective courses for each scientific field are available. Please find a list of relevant courses in the template for the project description or contact PhD administration. 

General requirements

20 ECTS are normally to be scientific courses.
10 ECTS are normally to be taken at UiA. 
Specialised courses at other universities or university colleges may be included as electives in the coursework component. Relevant PhD courses may be found for example at UNIS Svalbard, University of Oslo, James Cook University, Australia.
Up to 20 credits of the elective courses may be taken as national or international research courses or through a special syllabus in the form of literature, or as methodological studies which are relevant to the research programme.

Occupational profiles of graduates 

The employment opportunities in Mathematics and Mathematics Education are diverse. Examples of typical employers for both areas include: Universities, research institutes, government service, consulting companies and the public sector, also holders of PhDs in Mathematics are in demand from finance, media, technology sectors, and more.

Teaching methods

Fellows shall present their early stage work in progress seminar that takes place around the end of the first year of the fellowship (First Year Seminar), and additionally in a 90% seminar as a first full draft of the dissertation is nearing completion.

Responsible faculty

Faculty of Engineering and Science

Contacts for the specialisation

Picture of Viktoria Belous
+47 38 14 23 46
Picture of Said Hadjerrouit
+47 38 14 17 93
Published July 4, 2024 - Last modified July 4, 2024