Research programme

PhD programme in Artistic Research


The Doctoral program in Artistic Research focuses on research within performance and creative fields through an independent work in artistic research combined with a theoretical reflection. The University of Agder accepts candidates within music, theatre and visual art. The University of Stavanger provides for the three research disciplines dance, music and documentary film.

Photo from consert with a female lead singer in the foreground

Facts about the program

Upon agreement

About the research programme

The program in artistic research is a joint degree between the Faculty of Performing Arts at the University of Stavanger  and the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Agder.

The artistic development program is an alternative to the conventional Fine Arts Doctoral Program, providing a doctoral option for candidates that focus on the practice and creative development of art. The program allows possibilities for specific research within one field as well as interdisciplinary examinations. The structure and several of the components in this PhD is equivalent to a scientific Ph.D degree, although the most important component in this education is an independent work in artistic research combined with a theoretical reflection. The University of Agder accepts candidates within music, theatre and visual art. The University of Stavanger provides for the three research disciplines dance, music and documentary film.

On this page you will find information about our doctoral program. Below, you can read more regarding the requirements for the academic component of the doctoral degree, as well as information regarding admission requirements and expected standards for the dissertation.

Learning outcome

The educational part together with the PhD research shall ensure that the candidate achieves the following:

The candidate should:

  • be able to develop and apply various methods and processes in artistic research
  • be able to contribute to development of new theories, methods and interpretations in performing and creative arts, and in meetings between such and other socially relevant areas
  • be able to contribute to the development of new forms of documentation and reflection
  • be able to master and discuss context-oriented performing/creative and methodological issues within the various arts

The candidate should:

  • be able to communicate issues for, analysis and synthesize artistic experience at a high national and international level, with a focus on methods and results
  • be able to handle complex academic questions and challenge established knowledge and practice in the field
  • be able to develop an artistic practice that is distinctive, be at the forefront of their field, and have a high level of knowledge within the field’s issues and methods
  • actively contribute to the development of the field in Norwegian and international contexts.
  • be able to place their own artistic project and provide new present-day questions in a professional context.

General Competence
The candidate should:

  • be able analyze and synthesize artistic practice and theory in relation to different contexts
  • be able to identify, reflect on and deal with relevant artistic and professional ethical issues and conduct their research with professional integrity
  • be able to disseminate research work through acknowledged national and international channels
  • be able to apply knowledge and skills in the field to accomplish advanced tasks and projects
  • contribute to innovation


The PhD programme is standardized to 180 ECTS credits, a nominal three years of study.

The programme consists of an academic research training component (30 ECTS), consisting of consists of a mandatory course (25 ECTS) and an optional course (5 ECTS). The artistic development component in doctoral research (150 ECTS) is an independent artistic research project that also includes documentation and critical reflection.

The academic and artistic development research must be at a high artistic level and have national and international relevance. The programme will provide knowledge, skills and competence in line with the objectives of the national qualification framework (3rd cycle).

The artistic research will be central in the doctoral project. At the same time, the work must be followed by an explicit reflection that, when presenting the project, allows others to take part in the work method and insight that the artistic research generates.

The programme qualifies for artistic performing and research at national and international level.

The PhD degree in artistic research is awarded on the basis of:

  • Approved completion of academic research courses
  • Approved artistic result
  • Approved part of reflection
  • Approved essay of assigned topic
  • Approved public defense of the artistic PhD result (Disputas)

Academic Research Training
The educational component of the PhD program in artistic research consists of a mandatory and an optional part, in total 30 ECTS credits.

The education includes the following topics:

PhD programme in Artistic Development Research
Year Academic Research Training Artistic Development Result
First National Research School on Artistic Development
(20 ECTS)

Artistic development work and critical reflection (UiA/UiS)
(5 ECTS)


Elective course
(5 ECTS)

PhD result 
(150 ECTS)

In the case of elective courses (5 ECTS), the candidates may upon their application to the chosen faculties have relevant courses approved at previous research schools or other doctoral programs. Here, in consultation with the supervisor, the candidate can freely choose from possible offers at UiS/UiA or at other institutions in Norway or abroad. The faculties cooperate with a number of research schools and other national and international partners.

All candidates are encouraged to apply for a guest stay at a foreign institution as part of their doctoral research.



The applicant must have completed a performing and/or creative master's degree within relevant subject from a Norwegian or foreign university or university college. Artistic competence may in special cases be considered equal providing it is equivalent to a master's degree in scope and level.

Admission must be in accordance with the Regulations relating to the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) in artistic research at the University of Agder and the Regulations for the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) in artistic research at the University of Stavanger.

The admission is financed either through a three- or four-year (with 25% duty work) fellowship, or through financial documentation from the employer/organization. This includes three years' salary, operating costs and office space. Private financial support (own savings, spouse/family financing, etc.) is not accepted as a basis for admission to the PhD programme.

See supplementary regulations regarding admission.