Potential supervisors

Below is a list of potential supervisors for the next call for PhD positions at the School of Business and Law. In our program, we stress a strong match between candidates’ research interests and the competence and research focus of a suggested supervisor. Applicants are expected to get in touch with potential PhD supervisors and discuss their research projects before submitting their applications. You can click on the Professors name to get to their profile page. 

Professor Rotem Shneor

  • Interested in all research themes related to crowdfunding, crowdlending, and related models of alternative finance. Including (but not limited to) the following themes, which may involve comparisons across crowdfunding models, country, and sector settings:
    • Determinants and consequences of crowdfunding awareness, intentions, and/or behaviors among backers/investors and fundraisers.
    • Trust building and facilitation strategies in crowdfunding by different stakeholders (e.g., fundraisers, platform operators, and backers/investors).
    • Internationalization and cross-border operations of crowdfunding platforms.
    • Determinants, types, and consequences of different relations between crowdfunding platforms and traditional financial institutions (e.g., cooperation, competition, coopetition, ownership, etc.).
    • Impact of crowdfunding practice at either micro level (e.g., individual fundraisers and/or investors), messo level (e.g., access to finance, firm development, and growth), and macro level (e.g., local, regional, and/or market development and growth).
    • Use of crowdfunding by and its impact on disadvantaged and underserved social groups (e.g., early-stage high risk startups, women entrepreneurs, disabled, immigrant entrepreneurs, etc.).
    • Use of crowdfunding by and its impact on public institutions and civic organizations (e.g., local, regional, and national government organizations, etc.).
    • Ethical aspects and decision-making in crowdfunding practices.
    • Risk assessment, management, and mitigation by crowdfunding platforms – mapping strategy types and their prospective effectiveness and impact.

Associate Professor Eirin Mølland

  • Health economics

Associate Professor Rafael Heinzelmann

  • interested in supervising projects about management accounting and control

Professor Tobias Otterbring

  • consumer behavior, consumer psychology, social influence, artificial intelligence, field experiments, resource scarcity, sustainability, morality, and cross-cultural research.  I have more knowledge and expertise in business-to-customer (B2C) research and quantitative/experimental methods, and relatively less knowledge and expertise in business-to-business (B2B) research and qualitative methods. Thus, I will prioritize potential PhD candidates with interests that overlap with my own areas, methods, and contexts of expertise.

Associate Professor Anne Wenche Emblem 

  • Economics, Health economics, Public economics, Real estate economics, Housing economics, Urban economics

Professor John Arngrim Hunnes

  • Business ethics, sustainability, financial history, economic history.

Associate Professor Soogand Golesorkhi

  • Internationalisation strategies of the firm, institutional impact on entreprenurship growth, internationalisation of social enterprises, perfromance drivers of collaborative ventures, institituional drivers of foreign direct investment.

Professor Ellen Nyhus

  • Financial literacy, financial well-being, psychological determinants of financial behaviour, economic socialisation, gender differences in financial behaviour, economic psychology and behavioural economics

Professor Andreas Wald

  • areas of interest are projects/temporary organizations, (international) entrepreneurship (e.g., SME internationalization, entrepreneurial ecosystems), management control and innovation.

Professor Roy Mersland

  • Potential supervision topics: Savings and Credit groups, Microfinance, Social Enterprises/Hybrid Organizations, Entrepreneurship, International Business, Nonprofit organizations, Ownership & Corporate Governance.

Professor Tor Helge Aas

  • innovation management, business model innovation, service innovation, open innovation, digital innovation

Professor Anders Örtenblad

  • Organization and metaphor (e.g., metaphors for organization/s), Organizational learning/learning organization, Employability, Organization structure, Bad leadership, Leaderless management, Trade unions, Management fashions/fashionable management ideas, Anonymous feedback (especially the one that is forwarded from manager to employee) 

Professor Kimmo Alajoutsijärvi 

  • interested in supervising on the following theories/concepts: Business relationships and networks, competition, business cycles and business bubbles, social evaluation constructs (legitimacy, status, reputation, stigma), ideologies or empirical settings: business to business markets, heavy industries, higher education, business schools, software industry.

Associate Professor Kjetil Andersson

  • Industrial organization, applied econometrics, behavioral economics, savings groups and microfinance

Professor Steen Koekebakker

  • My academic background is primarily in energy finance, but recent years my interests have shifted towards sustainable investments. I look forward to supervising PhD students in International Business who have a strong interest in finance and are keen to delve into sustainability-focused research.

Associate Professor Daniel Göller

  • doing research on contracts, law and economics, industrial organization, and behavioral economics (could be extended to other fields that are more business related as well).

Associate Professor Bjørn-Tore Flåten  

  • interested in supervising topics on Hybrid work modes, Knowledge sharing, Creativity or Strategic HRM – talent management.

Associate Professor Stine Øyna

  • Interested in research areas related to entrepreneurship, including: The entrepreneurial process, entrepreneurial individuals, business design, entrepreneurship/innovation education, social entrepreneurship, green entrepreneurship, and women in entrepreneurship.

Associate Professor Hossein Baharmand

  • interested in technology and supply chain management, circular economy, systems thinking, and decision support systems, with applications in different contexts such as humanitarian aid.

Professor Kalanit Efrat

  • Interested in supervising on the following research areas:
    • Born Globals - early drivers for internationalization and maturity indicators and strategies. 
    • Competitive Intelligence - sources (Web-based vs. Human-based) and content, use of intelligence and its consequences. 
    • Coopetition - Upstream vs. downstream coopetition agreements-strategic choices and implementations.
    • Entry modes in the digital era - how this influence scale, scope and aims and how do they coencide with company's goals and evolution. In a broader sense, subjects which fall within the area of International marketing/International entrepreneurship.

Professor Amandeep Dhir

  • Digitalization and Digital Transformation, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),, Circular Economy, Innovation, Small firms, and Startups, Contemporary Workplace issues, Research Methods, Consumer Behavior, Tourism and Hospitality


Published May 8, 2024 - Last modified May 8, 2024