Strengthing the bridge between academia and industry

An industrial PhD has given Øystein Tønnessen an opportunity to strengthen the bridge between academia and industry and gain insight into how different flexible work settings influence creativity among employees.

Image may contain: Head, Smile, Botany, Sleeve, Dress shirt.

Name: Øystein Tønnessen
Defended his PhD: 2023
Position: Strategic advisor
Company: Egde Consulting

Why did you choose UiA?

In 2019, I was employed at the Kristiansand office of the digitalization consulting company Egde. The company already had a well-established collaborative relationship with UiA. Together, we succeeded in establishing an industrial PhD project, supported by The Norwegian Research Council and The Sørlandet Knowledge Foundation. 

Furthermore, I had already discussed the possibilities for a PhD project with the one who was to become my supervisor, Vice Dean and Associate Professor Bjørn-Tore Flåten at the UiA School of Business and Law. He showed genuine interest in my research idea and encouraged me to apply. In addition, there were practical and family reasons for choosing UiA, as I have lived in Kristiansand, more or less, since 2000.

What did you conduct research on, and why?

My research focused on creativity in remote and hybrid work environments. The primary motivation behind the PhD project was to understand how different flexible work settings influence creativity among employees. Given the increasing prevalence of remote and hybrid work models, it became crucial to explore how these evolving work forms can either foster or hinder social interaction, knowledge sharing, and creative processes.

This research aimed to provide insights and strategies for organizations to support and enhance creativity and innovation in the context of flexible work practices.

How was it to be a PhD candidate at UiA?

My time as a PhD candidate at UiA was incredibly fulfilling. One of the reasons was the great and inspiring international work environment. This setting significantly enriched my experience, both personally and academically. The canteen became a vibrant hub for socializing and networking, which greatly contributed to my overall well-being and sense of belonging. Despite focusing on different research topics, we supported each other by sharing experiences with peer-review processes, data analysis tools, courses, and more. Furthermore, many of the professors, beyond just my supervisor, generously shared their valuable experience and knowledge.

What do you think of the PhD program at the School of Business and Law?

In my view, the PhD program at the School of Business and Law at UiA maintains a very high standard and is undoubtedly competitive on an international level. The program is cutting-edge and exceptionally well-structured

One of the standout features is the cohort system, which fosters a sense of community and collaboration among candidates. The PhD journey for each cohort typically begins with a kick-off seminar led by the program director and other professors. This seminar effectively addresses most of the candidates' questions and sets clear expectations for the years ahead. Already at this stage, the School of Business and Law has a focus on both publishing research papers and potential career paths after completing the PhD program.

Throughout the period, each candidate benefits from close supervision by their respective supervisor as well as feedback and advice from others at the School of Business and Law. I was fortunate to have the head of the department as my supervisor, which greatly enhanced the quality of our discussions and follow-ups on both a personal and professional level. Candidates are actively encouraged to present their research at the department’s PhD lunch seminars, which also serve as a tool for tracking progress. Furthermore, the candidates are also encouraged to present papers at academic conferences, and the university provides easily accessible funding for this purpose.

What is the most important experience you have made throughout the period?

Firstly, I will highlight the opportunity and support I have experienced in contributing to strengthening the bridge between academia and industry through this project. I have noted significant interest in the research field outside academia. This includes publicity in the media, such as editorial content and podcasts. For me, this type of knowledge sharing is highly meaningful and can trigger fruitful and innovative collaborative projects. Secondly, I experienced being invited to participate in several interesting and enriching research projects, such as co-authoring articles and a book project at a university in Germany. This provided me with an expanded network, new knowledge, and inspiration beyond the PhD program itself.

What career opportunities have you gotten after finishing the PhD? 

I still work at Egde as a strategic advisor. Here, I have a range of exciting tasks, particularly related to the field of flexible work arrangements. I work on both regional and national projects in collaboration with public and private partners and customers. We continue to maintain a strong collaboration with UiA, and I am highly motivated to contribute to its further development for the benefit of both parties.

Have you got any tips for potential new PhD candidates?

  • Before you apply to be accepted into the PhD program, ensure that you truly have the passion and drive to work intensely on your research project for 3-4 years. Be certain that you are motivated for independent and demanding work over a long period of time. Next, review the profile of your potential supervisor. According to the experiences of many, the two most crucial components for a successful PhD are a strong alignment with the supervisor and the candidate’s passion for the subject.

  • As a PhD candidate at UiA, you will have access to excellent resources, including funding for conferences, courses, software, and more. Make sure to utilize these resources effectively.

  • I recommend engaging in the institution’s social events, presenting your working papers at internal seminars, and participating in national and international conferences. These extra efforts will better prepare you for your future endeavors.

  • Finally, I will emphasize the importance of sharing the insights and findings you obtain during your PhD project. These can be of great value both within and outside academia. Hence, it may be essential to use various communication styles and channels to make the research accessible and relevant to a wider audience.

PhD programme at the School of Business and Law

Published July 8, 2024 - Last modified July 8, 2024