Study plan

Autumn 2024

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For students with a BSc in Mechatronics or Mechanical Engineering

For students with a BSc in Electronics or Electrical Engineering

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Spring 2026

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What do you learn?

Learning outcome

On successful completion of the programme, the student should have the following learning outcome defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:



The candidate

  • has detailed theoretical knowledge on diverse mechatronic elements and systems

  • has detailed knowledge on modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems

  • has detailed knowledge on choice, analysis and dimensioning of mechatronic systems

  • has detailed knowledge on electrical and hydraulical actuators and systems



The candidate

  • can design and develop mechanical components and systems

  • can model and simulate complex mechatronical products

  • can use computer tools for analysis and for technical design of mechatronic products

  • can apply structured product development as a method regarding mechatronic products

  • can contribute to project management as a tool for planning, development and reports



The candidate

  • can lead model based development of mechatronic products and systems

  • can act as project manager in larger mechatronic projects

Structure and content

Admission requirements

The admission requirement is a completed and passed three-year bachelor's degree in engineering, within the areas mechatronics, mechanical engineering, electronics and electrical engineering or renewable energy, in line with the National Curriculum Regulations for Engineering Education in Norway. Furthermore, the following requirements are set, which in part go beyond the minimum requirements in the national curriculum regulations:

• At least 25 credits in relevant mathematics

• At least 5 credits in statistics

• At least 7.5 credits in physics

The weighted average grade of C or better is required.

Admission takes place in accordance with regulations on admission to studies and courses at the University of Agder

It is recommended that applicants have a knowledge of feedback control systems equivalent to MAS239 Feedback Control Systems 1, and materials science equivalent to either of the courses ENE237 Materials and Corrosion or MAS135 Materials Science.

About 75 % of the courses will be taught in English, the rest in Norwegian. You will be required to speak and write some Norwegian during the 2-year programme.

General description and profile

The programme aims to educate candidates to high levels of competence in mechatronics. Mechatronics integrates machine technique, analogue and digital electronics and cybernetics in the design and manufacturing of products and processes. The programme aims to expand and strengthen the expertise of engineers in this field, with a particular emphasis on mechanical systems involving large forces. The programme emphasises applications of theoretical knowledge in relevant areas of usage and in product development, with a detailed treatment of all aspects of product development.

Core courses include Control Theory 2, Mechanical Systems for Mechatronics, Modelling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems and Instrumentation. These courses analyse and develop the mechatronic interaction of mechanics, electronics and computer technology in mechanical products and systems. The students will then apply the knowledge attained through the core courses in the course Product Development and in the final master's thesis (MAS500).

The master's thesis is an independent piece of work on a selected topic in mechatronics. Students are introduced to research and development work through their thesis work and a seminar on scientific methods (part of the course MAS500). They will learn to evaluate research projects and scientific publications, and obtain the necessary knowledge about documentation of research and development.

Teaching methods

Information on teaching and working methods are given in the course descriptions for each course. A range of different teaching and working methods will be used, including lectures, individual and group exercises, laboratory work and project work. Besides facilitating the students' academic development, teaching methods are selected with a view to developing the students' ability to solve practical problems and work in teams. Project work, both individually and in groups, will train the students in the application of theoretical knowledge and tools to identify and analyse specific problems and develop new systems and products. It will also develop the students' ability to cooperate and communicate effectively. Regarding master's thesis: For every student/group there will be 5 compulsory guidance meetings.

Assessment methods

Most courses conclude with an individual written examination, which provides the basis for assessment. Project reports and midterm examinations, where used, may also count towards the final grade. In all courses where written examinations are used, students must complete all coursework requirements, e.g. compulsory assignments or project work, before taking the examination.


The Faculty of Engineering and Sciences has a number of cooperation agreements with foreign universities. It is possible for the students to take the 2nd, 3rd or 4th semester of the master’s programme abroad.

Requirements for continuing in programme

Before enrolling for MAS500 Master¿s Thesis, the student must successfully complete courses amounting to at least 75 ECTS credits. All courses that lead directly to the thesis work must be successfully completed.


Occupational profiles / further studies

After successfully completing the master's degree, candidates will be able to move directly into the professional field as a civil engineer in a range of capacities. The programme qualifies for work in industry and business, and has direct relevance to maritime and offshore construction and equipment manufacturing or related industrial fields. However, job opportunities are not limited to such activities. Other prospective employers include energy producers and distribution companies, power-intensive industry, consulting companies, offshore industry, transportation companies and the public sector.

The programme also qualifies candidates for a career in research, and doctoral studies in engineering in areas related to the management, regulation and development of mechanical components and systems.

There are relevant doctoral programs at the University of Agder, Telemark University College (HiT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU); Aalborg University and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Denmark and at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Linköping University in Sweden.


Qualification awarded

Master of Science in Mechatronics



Study programme evaluation is conducted annually in the programme committee in accordance with the Quality System, section 4.2. Before the meeting of the study programme committee, the student representative may obtain suggestions and ideas from fellow students.

Contact person

Programme Coordinator Morten Ottestad

Other information

A compulsory course in Health, Safety and Environment is required for students admitted to the programme.

It is a requirement that all students at UiA have their own portable computer (laptop) for use in teaching and examinations, see Examination Regulations, University of Agder, §12d

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 5:47:44 AM