Study plan

Spring 2025

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Specialisation in Mathematics Education:


Elective courses in mathematics can be individually adapted.


Specialisation in Mathematics:


The courses MA-310 Non-linear differential equations and dynamical systems and MA-313 Fourier analysis are taught in even-numbered years and the courses MA-311 Numerical linear algebra and MA-312 Stochastic processes are taught in odd-numbered years. The courses are given jointly to students in the first semester of the master's program in mathematics and the fifth semester of the bachelor's program in industrial mathematics. The rule applies from and including autumn 2024. In autumn 2023, MA-310 and MA-313 will be taught.

For students who have already finished these courses at 300 level in the first semester previously and who therefore must wait a year for alternating courses, MA-452 Special Curriculum and MA-456 Theoretical Perspectives on Teaching of Mathematics can be taken in the first semester.

What do you learn?

Learning outcome


On successful completion of the programme, the student has

  • advanced knowledge of central issues and methods within the chosen specialization in mathematics or mathematics education and can analyze these in relation to the special nature, history, and place of the mathematics subject in society.

  • in-depth knowledge of various theories in their chosen specialization in mathematics education or mathematics and can apply these.



On successful completion of the programme, the student

  • develop own ideas and prepare research-based analyzes of problems in their chosen specialization in mathematics or mathematics education.

  • show independence in working with professional problems.

  • analyze critically and use existing literature in an active way to familiarize oneself with the work of others and as support for solving one's own academic problems.

  • carry out an independent, limited research project within the mathematical specialization in the study under supervision and according to applicable research ethics norms.

  • apply theoretical and practical knowledge from the study in practical fields and professional life.



On successful completion of the programme, the student

  • analyze relevant mathematical and research ethics issues.

  • apply their knowledge and skills in new areas to carry out advanced tasks and projects.

  • convey and communicate about issues, research results and methods to specialists and the public.

  • analyze and explore issues that are of importance to mathematics, and through this contribute to new thinking and innovation.

Structure and content

Admission requirements

General admission requirements are a bachelor's degree or equivalent education of at least three years (180 credits), and with a minimum of 80 credits specialization in mathematical subjects or equivalent. At least 20 credits in the specialization must be at level 2. Admission requirements state that students must have a mark of C or better before entering the programmme.

General description and profile

The master's program in mathematics is suitable for students who want a strong professional competence in mathematics. The study has two different specialisations, one in mathematics education and one in mathematics. In both specialisations, several branches of mathematics are dealt with. There will be opportunities to study for up to one semester at an institution abroad.

In the mathematics eduction specialisation, issues related to teaching and learning mathematics are dealt with, and the specialization provides advanced mathematics education competence. The mathematical specialization provides an in-depth study of mathematics with particular emphasis on mathematical analysis.

Teaching methods

The teaching is given as joint teaching, seminars and work with tasks in groups and individually with guidance. An important part of the work is linked to research articles, most of them in English. In several of the subjects, the students work with problems close to practice, which are processed in the form of essays and more extensive projects with selected themes. The students work independently on the written master's thesis under supervision. Master's thesis in both specializations will in most cases be rooted in practice, and then often school (specialization in mathematics education) or industry (specialization in mathematics). Students specializing in mathematics will also be able to choose to replace 15 credits of the master's thesis with an internship.

Parts of the teaching are compulsory and require presence on campus. For further information, see subject descriptions.

Assessment methods

The assessment of the students is based on final written and oral exams as well as project work and portfolio exams. The specific forms of assessment are shown in the course descriptions. Graded assessment.


In both specializations, an exchange can be applied for in the 2nd semester. For students on the specialization in mathematics education, this will mean that the 2nd semester is converted into a semester with courses (a total of 30 credits) and that they take MA-500 as the only subject in the 3rd and 4th semesters. Updated information on exchange offers at:

Occupational profiles / further studies

Master's education with specialization in mathematics qualifies for many possible workplaces, for example in industry with research and development departments, various engineering and technology companies, oil industry, media companies, administration, teaching, mapping, environmental monitoring, mobile communication, multimedia use, insurance, banking and finance, IT, energy, biotechnology, medical research, the pharmaceutical industry and hospitals.

The specialization in Mathematics education is focused on work in educational institutions, both at primary, secondary and university level. The subject composition in mathematics education is particularly suitable for teaching and covers many of the central topics that pupils and students must go through.

Mathematics, the master's program provides, together with PPU (practical pedagogical education) or other teacher training, the basis for teaching mathematics in secondary school (grades 8-10) and upper secondary school.

The programme also provides a good basis for further deepening within current issues, for example as a basis for a doctorate in mathematics or mathematics education.

Qualification awarded

Master in Mathematics. In the diploma there will be spesified wich profile is chosen.


Student evaluations are carried out annually in the Study Programme Advisory Committee in accordance with the quality system for education chapter 4.2.

Other information

Before the student starts the master's thesis, a digital contract is drawn up for guidance and implementation of the master's project. The student must have access to their own computer.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 6:47:22 AM