
  • IS-408-2 Internship (10 ECTS)

  • IS-427-1 Data Science Applications II (10 ECTS)

  • IS-511-1 Managing IT and systems development(10 ECTS)

  • SV-420-1 UiA Co-creation – Open Lab (10 ECTS)

  • IS-428 –1 Technology-based Innovation for Societal Resilience (10 ECTS)

Electives may be subject to change.

What do you learn?

Learning outcome

After completion of the programme, the student shall have the following knowledge, skills, and general competencies:


  • have advanced knowledge of the role cybersecurity have for digitalization of organizations and societies.

  • have thorough knowledge of central theories on cybersecurity management, information systems, and related disciplines.

  • can apply knowledge on cybersecurity to address new and emerging threats emanating from digitalization of organizations and societies.

  • can analyse organizational cybersecurity issues by building on the socio-technical tradition of information systems that combines people, processes, and technology.



  • can select and apply relevant theories to organizational and societal cybersecurity issues.

  • can deal critically with existing knowledge on cybersecurity and related issues to formulate and organize arguments.

  • can analyse cybersecurity theories, methods, and interpretations.

  • can work independently on practical and theoretical problems related to cybersecurity and use existing theories and methods to solve those problems.

  • can carry out an independent, limited research or development project under supervision and in accordance with applicable norms for research ethics.


General competencies:

  • can analyse and identify academic, professional and research ethical problems on cybersecurity management.

  • can apply cybersecurity and related knowledge to advanced assignments and problems.

  • can communicate extensive independent work and master language and terminology of cybersecurity and information systems fields.

  • can communicate on cybersecurity issues, analyses, and conclusions with both the cybersecurity specialists and the general public.

  • can contribute to new thinking and solutions, and to innovation processes.

Structure and content

Admission requirements

Students admitted to the programme must possess at least a bachelor’s degree or other equivalent degree of at least 180 ECTS. In addition to the bachelor’s degree, the following admission requirements will be applied:

  1. Either: a specialization unit of at least 80 credits in Information Systems (IS), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Informatics, Business Administration or Management and Organisation.
    Applicants with a specialisation in Business Administration or Management and Organisation, will need a minimum of 30 credits within IS/ICT.

  2. Or: an integrated study of at least 2 years duration within the same fields of study and with the same requirements as in point 1.

  3. The weighted average grade of C or better is required.

Admission takes place in accordance with regulations on admission to studies and courses at the University of Agder

The programme is conducted in English and is open to international applicants.

A thorough knowledge of English is highly recommended. All compulsory courses as well as most electives are taught in English. For international applicants, see more information about language requirements here.

General description and profile

The programme will equip students with practical and theoretical knowledge, as well as methodological skills, to effectively plan, implement, and manage cybersecurity in both private and public organizations. It will provide a solid understanding of cybersecurity's role in today's digital world, aiming to contribute to a more secure and resilient digital future. Through research-based teaching and real-world case studies, students will gain insights derived from industry best practices.

At the core of the programme is the focus on enabling students to establish organizational policies and processes necessary for effective cybersecurity management. This involves ensuring ongoing development and maintenance of cybersecurity measures, aligning employees' cybersecurity skills and behaviour with organizational objectives. Ethical and legal considerations influencing cybersecurity decisions will also be addressed.

Students will develop critical thinking skills and tools to analyse cybersecurity issues and their implications for organizations and societies. They will learn to identify emerging cybersecurity challenges and independently acquire knowledge to devise solutions for real-world problems.

Teaching methods

A range of different teaching and working methods will be used, including lectures, seminars, group work, exercises, and workshops. Students are expected to attain parts of the curriculum objectives through self-study and independent work since much of the teaching is based on presentations, different tasks and problem-solving. Participation in seminars and workshops normally have compulsory attendance. There will be compulsory supervision meetings for the master's thesis work.

Assessment methods

Various assessment forms are used, including written examinations, oral presentations, or examinations, as well as writing papers and reports. In most courses, compulsory written assignments or other coursework requirements need approval to qualify for the final examination . The form of assessment is given in the course description for each course, including the master’s thesis.


The master’s programme is based on international research and includes studies of both local and global problems. Several faculty members have an international background and are active in international research networks. Students are exposed to international dimensions and issues in teaching as well as in the curriculum. All teaching is in English and both Norwegian and international students are admitted to the programme. Most of the courses are also offered to incoming exchange students.

Students can apply for exchange in the third semester. Studying abroad provides an opportunity to take electives beyond what is offered in the programme, in addition to substitute courses. Additional benefits of studying abroad are improved language skills and cross-cultural communication skills, both highly valued by many employers. For further information on exchange opportunities, see the website.

Requirements for continuing in programme

Before enrolling for the master's thesis, the student must successfully complete courses amounting to at least 75 ECTS credits.

Occupational profiles / further studies

The Cybersecurity Management programme gives graduates diverse employment opportunities both in the public sector and in private enterprises. You will be qualified to apply and work as a strategic advisor, lead security architect, project manager, chief information security officer (CISO), and to different positions as consultants and expert positions within IT and Cybersecurity.


The programme will give students the necessary skills and education to continue to a
PhD programme for a career as an academic cybersecurity researcher.

Qualification awarded

Successful completion of the master's programme in Cybersecurity Management awards the degree Master in Cybersecurity Management (Master i cybersikkerhetsledelse).


Study programme evaluation is conducted annually in the programme committee in accordance with the Quality System, section 4.2. Before the meeting of the study programme committee, the student representative may obtain suggestions and ideas from fellow students.


The Norwegian government has introduced tuition fees for students from countries outside of the EU/EEA and Switzerland. Please read more about the tuition fees here.

Other information

All students at UiA are required to have their own portable computer (laptop) for use in teaching and examinations, see Examination Regulations, University of Agder, §12d.


Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 5:47:36 AM