Study plan

Autumn 2024

Cybersecurity Engineering - Full time or part time

Elective Courses 1. semester

IKT444 is a prerequisite for IKT443 and IKT458 in the 2nd semester. IKT457 is a prerequisite for IKT433 and IKT460.

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Spring 2026

Security Technologies - compulsory courses

Security Technologies - compulsory courses

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Autumn 2026

Security Technologies - compulsory courses

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Spring 2027

Security Technologies - compulsory courses

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Autumn 2027

Security Technologies - compulsory courses

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Spring 2028

Security Technologies - compulsory courses

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Structure and content

Admission requirements

Admission requirements include the completion of a three-year bachelor's degree in engineering, based on the national curriculum, in the fields of data, electronics, or mechatronics. Applicants with mechatronics as the basis for admission must demonstrate proficiency in object-oriented programming.

Additionally, the following requirements, which partially exceed the minimum requirements in the curriculum, apply:

  • At least 25 ECTS credits in relevant mathematics

  • At least 5 ECTS credits in statistics

  • At least 7.5 ECTS credits in physics

A weighted average grade of C or better is required. Admission is also subject to the regulations for admission to studies and courses at the University of Agder.

The program is conducted in English and is open to applicants from the EU/EEA. Admission is otherwise in accordance with the regulations for admission to studies and courses at the University of Agder

General description and profile

The cybersecurity engineering study program has a clear technological profile and is intended for those who will work on the preparation, integration, and development of technologically oriented security solutions. The study plan of the program covers topics in various areas such as security for the Internet of Things, security for cyber-physical systems and critical infrastructure, security in cloud solutions, ethical hacking, and more.

As a student in the Master's in Cybersecurity Engineering program, you will have an exciting and industry-relevant master's program. We have guest lecturers visiting, and we collaborate with several relevant companies in the field of cybersecurity. Our partners include Telenor, NSM, Nkom CERT, Netsecurity, Utel, Skatteetaten and Sykehuspartner. Most students write their master's thesis in collaboration with external companies and organizations.

The master's program is offered as a full-time study program over two years or a part-time study program over four years. As a general rule, lectures, labs and workshops take place on campus, and the university expects both full-time and part-time students to attend and actively participate in the classes and the learning process. As a part-time student, you must allocate two days per week for on-campus learning activities. Students admitted to the program choose whether to follow a full-time or part-time schedule during the semester registration at the beginning of the program.

Teaching methods

The study utilizes teaching methods such as lectures, seminars, assignments and exercises, workshops, and laboratory classes. Students are required to engage in independent work as teaching heavily relies on presentations, problem-based learning, and solving assignments.


Many subjects have mandatory assignments and/or reports that must be approved before taking exams. Laboratory work and participation in seminars and workshops are typically mandatory in subjects where these are included. Attendance to guidance meetings is mandatory when working on a master's thesis.

Assessment methods

The assessment methods used include written individual exams, oral presentations and exams, portfolio assessment, and assignment writing.


The Master's program is based on international research and includes studies of both local and global issues. ICT infrastructure and systems are becoming more global, and the risk landscape is international. Through the course of their studies, students will have opportunities to connect with international academic and research communities.


The courses offered in the program are taught in English and are available to exchange students from partner universities. Students can go on exchange in the 3rd semester of the program. UiA has agreements with University of Nebraska Omaha (USA), University of Minnesota (USA), QUT (Australia), UNSW (Australia), Deakin University (Australia), Curtin University (Australia), TU München (Germany), and Twente University (Netherlands), all of which offer relevant courses in cybersecurity.


UiA facilitates student exchange programs through established mobility programs such as Erasmus+.

Requirements for continuing in programme

To begin working on the master's thesis, students must have passed at least 75 credits in the Master's program.

Qualification awarded

Master of Science in Cybersecurity Engineering


Study programme evaluation is conducted annually in the programme committee in accordance with the Quality System, section 4.2. Before the meeting of the study programme committee, the student representative may obtain suggestions and ideas from fellow students.


In cases where elective courses include work placements, allowing the student to be located at a company or in courses where the student chooses to collaborate with businesses/organizations, the student must cover the travel expenses.

Other information

The Master's program in Cybersecurity Engineering will have its first intake in the fall of 2024. Start-up requires accreditation by the University's education committee in spring 2024.

It is a requirement that all students at UiA (University of Agder) have their own laptop for use in teaching and exams, in accordance with the regulations for studies and exams at the University of Agder § 12d

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 5:47:36 AM