Study plan

Autumn 2019

Obligatoriske emner

  • BYG404 Life-cycle assessment and optimization of constructions Course page missing 7.5 stp
  • BYG504 Soil mechanics and foundation Course page missing 7.5 stp
  • ORG001 Health, Safety and Environment Course page missing 0 stp
  • BYG405 High Performance Materials Course page missing 7.5 stp
  • IND422 Risk and Opportunity Management Course page missing 7.5 stp

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Spring 2020

Obligatoriske emner

  • BYG505 Design and Fatigue Course page missing 7.5 stp
  • BYG506 Finite Element Method in Construction Course page missing 7.5 stp
  • BYG503 Construction materials: steel, aluminum, and timber Course page missing 7.5 stp
  • BYG406 Structural Design of Prestressed Concrete Course page missing 7.5 stp

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Autumn 2020

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Spring 2021

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What do you learn?

Learning outcome

On successful completion of the study programme, the candidate will


  • have advanced knowledge about the construction of buildings, and especially understanding of the consequences in terms of sustainable development

  • have great knowledge about the scientific theory and method of construction, materials and sustainability assessments

  • be able to apply the knowledge into new areas of engineering sciences

  • be able to analyze academic issues based on the subject area's history, traditions, character and place in society


  • be able to analyze existing theories, methods and interpretations in the field and work independently with practical and theoretical problem solving

  • be able to use appropriate methods of research and academic development in an independent way

  • be able to analyze and think critically about different sources of information and apply the information in order to structure and formulate scientific argumentations.

  • be able to carry out an independent, limited research or development project under supervision, in accordance with the current ethical norms within the field of research.

 General knowledge:

  • be able to analyze relevant ethical issues connected to academics, research and professional work.

  • be able to apply knowledge and skills in to new areas in order to manage working with advanced tasks and projects

  • be able to understand and master the terminology within the subject area in order to write and communicate an extensive independent work

  • be able to communicate academic issues, analyzes and conclusions within the field, both with specialists and with the general public

  • contribute to innovation and innovation processes

Structure and content

Admission requirements

Admission requirements are a Bachelor degree in Civil engineering or equivalent education. Candidates with a background in mechanical or marine construction will also be eligible for admission. Applicants must have passed MA209 Mathematics 3 or equivalent (at least 5 ECTS credits). For more detailed information, see the Regulations for admission to master's degree programmes and further education programmes and Supplementary regulations for admission to master's programmes in engineering on the UiA website.

General description and profile

The study program will give graduates a high expertise in civil engineering. The program will emphasize knowledge of new materials and solutions. The teaching will reflect the wide range of professions graduates can work within, ranging from traditional construction companies to equipment manufacturing for offshore operations. The program focuses on sustainable development. Candidates shall understand the environmental consequences given by the choice of structural systems and materials, and through conscious planning of systems for the management, operation and maintenance.

The study program is organized for full-time students, but can also be organized for part-time students in work. A thesis of 60 credits in the last year, opens the possibility for mutual cooperation between the region's business community and students with the desire for specialization in a particular part of the industry.

Assessment methods

The evaluation methods are closely linked to learning outcomes and working procedures of each subject. The plan is for individual assessment in most subjects, but group exam are also used.

There will be various forms of assessment, such as individual written exam, project, or a combination of these. Where the assessment is individual written exam is the prerequisite to sit for the exam that a major project is completed. This is usually performed in a group and under supervision.

Master thesis work is executed primarily in groups. The thesis paper must be presented orally before grading.

All examination assessments are graded.

Requirements for continuing in programme

To start the thesis, at least 45 credits in the student's education plan must be passed before the start of the semester in which thesis will be written. For students who will have a thesis of 30 credits, 75 credits in the student's education plan must be passed. Topics which thesis builds on, must be passed.

Occupational profiles / further studies

The completed Master of Engineering should be able to go directly into professional work as an engineer in various areas. The main employers are consulting engineering firms, contractors, NODE companies and public sector communities and the Public Roads Administration. Master program qualifies students for further study at the doctoral level.

Qualification awarded

Master of Science in Civil Engineering (sivilingeniør).


Study programme evaluation is conducted annually in the programme committee in accordance with the Quality System, section 4.2. Before the meeting of the study programme committee, the student representative may obtain suggestions and ideas from fellow students

Contact person

Programme coordinator Paul Svennevig

mail: post at

phone + 47 3814 1000

Other information

A compulsory course in Health, Safety and Environment is required for students admitted to the programme.

It is a requirement that all students at UiA have their own portable computer (laptop) for use in teaching and examinations, see Examination Regulations, University of Agder, §12d

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:25:09 AM