Study plan

Autumn 2024


Compulsory courses

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Spring 2025

Management Accounting - compulsory courses

  • BE-423 Årsregnskap etter god regnskapsskikk Course page missing 7.5 stp

Management accounting - elective 2nd semester

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Autumn 2025

Electives or exchange

Electives or exchange

Electives or exchange

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Spring 2026

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Two courses are taught in parallel in the first half of the semester with a final exam before the next two courses are taught by the same principle. The course TFL400, taught in the second semester, are taught throughout the entire spring semester. Note that changes in the study plan may occur.

Electives may be subject to modifications as they rely on sufficient student enrolment and available resources.

Electives for the specialization Analytical Finance - autumn 2023

Specialization courses:

  • BE-513 Practical Portfolio Management

  • SE-507 Machine Learning with Financial Applications

 All other electives for the specialization:

  • BE-409 Real Estate Economics

  • BE-410 Corporate Finance

  • BE-422 ESG Metrics: Reshaping Finance

  • JU-405 Kontraktsrett

  • JU-406 Foretaksrett

  • JU-407 Skatte- og avgiftsrett

  • ORG419 Judgement and Decision Making

  • ORG438 Project Business

  • ORG440 Supply Chain Management

  • ORG456 Internship in Enterprises in Norway*

  • ORG457 Crowdfunding Lab

  • ORG468 Creative Problem Solving

  • SE-415 History of Financial Crises

  • SE-420 International Economics

Electives from other faculties:

  • IS-403 Digital transformasjon og prosessledelse (10 sp)**

  • IS-406 Digital Technology and Enterprise Systems (10 sp)**

  • IS-500 IT and Management (10 sp)**

  • ORG447 Styring og nettverksorganisering i offentlig sektor (10sp)**

  • SV-420 UiA Samskaping – teori i praksis (10 sp)**

European Integration summer school*

Other courses from UiA may be approved. Contact the Student Adviser for more information.

Electives for the specialization Management Accounting - autumn 2023

Specialization courses:

  • BE-410 Corporate Finance

  • BE-516 International Financial Reporting

  • BE-515 Accounting Research and Practice (requires BE-516 – pre-requisite)

All other electives for the specialization:

  • BE-409 Real Estate Economics

  • BE-422 ESG Metrics: Reshaping Finance

  • JU-405 Kontraktsrett

  • JU-406 Foretaksrett

  • JU-407 Skatte- og avgiftsrett

  • ORG419 Judgement and Decision Making

  • ORG438 Project Business

  • ORG440 Supply Chain Management

  • ORG456 Internship in Enterprises in Norway*

  • ORG457 Crowdfunding Lab

  • ORG468 Creative Problem Solving

  • SE-415 History of Financial Crises

  • SE-420 International Economics

Electives from other faculties:

  • IS-403 Digital transformasjon og prosessledelse (10 sp)**

  • IS-406 Digital Technology and Enterprise Systems (10 sp)**

  • IS-500 IT and Management (10 sp)**

  • ORG447 Styring og nettverksorganisering i offentlig sektor (10sp)**

  • ST-424 International Public Policy and administration: Solving global Problems (10 sp)

  • SV-420 UiA Samskaping – teori i praksis (10 sp)**

European Integration summer school*

Other courses from UiA may be approved. Contact the Student Adviser for more information.

Electives for the specialization International Business - autumn 2023

Specialization courses:

  • ORG419 Judgement and Decision Making

  • ORG468 Creative Problem Solving

All other electives for the specialization:

  • BE-409 Real Estate Economics

  • BE-410 Corporate Finance

  • BE-422 ESG Metrics: Reshaping Finance

  • JU-405 Kontraktsrett

  • JU-406 Foretaksrett

  • JU-407 Skatte- og avgiftsrett

  • ORG438 Project Management in Business

  • ORG440 Supply Chain Management

  • ORG456 Internship in Enterprises in Norway*

  • ORG457 Crowdfunding Lab

  • SE-415 History of Financial Crises

  • SE-420 International Economics

Electives from other faculties:

  • IS-403 Digital transformasjon og prosessledelse (10 sp)**

  • IS-406 Digital Technology and Enterprise Systems (10 sp)**

  • IS-500 IT and Management (10 sp)**

  • ORG447 Styring og nettverksorganisering i offentlig sektor (10sp)**

  • ST-424 International Public Policy and administration: Solving global Problems (10 sp)

  • SV-420 UiA Samskaping – teori i praksis (10 sp)**

European Integration summer school*

Other courses from UiA may be approved. Contact the Student Adviser for more information.

Common information about electives for all specializations

* Limited number of available places and separate admission process in second semester

Attention: European Integration Summer School will not admit new students in 2023.

** Limited number of available places and separate admission

Contact the Student Adviser for more information and for admission to courses with limited number of places.

Courses with English course names in the list indicates that the course will be taught in English

Students can also choose compulsory courses from the other two specializations as electives.


What do you learn?

Learning outcome

A candidate who has successfully completed this programme should have the following learning outcome defined in terms of general competence, knowledge, skills:


The candidate should be able to:

  • analyse key international dimensions related to the core themes in the program

  • analyse how new ideas, concepts or products emerge within relevant fields

  • apply ethical reasoning in work life and understand how organisations can act responsibly

  • think independently and critically

  • communicate scholarly issues in written texts and oral presentations

  • solve problems


The candidate should be able to:

  • demonstrate advanced knowledge in the fields of business administration, management and methods

  • summarize scientific developments within their field of study

  • discuss theory and methodological approaches relevant for analysis of empirical and theoretical problems at hand


The candidate should be able to:

  • integrate insights from different fields of study

  • identify and use relevant theories and methodological approaches on a specific problem

  • evaluate the financial and societal consequences of a given solution to a particular problem

  • apply relevant theories and methods in the planning and realisation of a given project

  • continue developing their knowledge base in a lifelong learning perspective

Structure and content

Admission requirements

The academic basis is a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Auditing or equivalent education that is based on Universities Norway (UHR) Disciplinary Strategic Unit for Economics and Administration’s plan for bachelor programmes in Business Administration (November, 2018).


120 ECTS credits, of which a minimum of 20 credits at level 2 / additional level, must be within business administration subjects. The following subject areas, including subcategories, must be covered:


Business Economics (30 ECTS credits)

  • Financial Accounting

  • Management Accounting

  • Investment Analysis and Finance


Administration (30 ECTS credits)

  • Marketing

  • Organisation and Management

  • Business Strategy


Economics (15 ECTS credits)

  • Macroeconomics

  • Microeconomics


Methodology (20 ECTS credits)

  • Mathematics for Economists

  • Statistics for Economists

  • Social Scientific Methods


A minimum of 7.5 ECTS credits in Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility must be included in the academic basis.


The weighted average grade of C or better is required.

A thorough knowledge of English is recommended as several of the courses are taught in English.

General description and profile

The Master's programme in Business Administration provides candidates with a high level of theoretical competence, empirical insight and analytical skills. The candidates will have insight into contemporary theories and practices in the disciplines related to Business Administration.


The candidates will also be able to reflect critically on theoretical, empirical, and ethical problems and challenges they might face in their professional work, how businesses can relate to these.


In addition, they are exposed to global issues and how globalization and global conditions might influence businesses and markets and how businesses can react. In addition, candidates will be able to analyse critically how individuals, societies, and businesses are affected by, and can contribute to the achievement of the UNs Sustainable Development Goals.


Students in this programme will meet an international study environment.

Through collaboration with incoming exchange or degree-seeking students, students improve their language and cross-cultural communication skills.

The programme consists of eleven 7,5 ECTS credits courses, one 15 ECTS credits course and a 30 ECTS credits Master’s Thesis.

Students choose one out of the three specialisations:

  • Analytical Finance

  • International Business

  • Management Accounting

Analytical Finance and International Business are entirely taught in English, whereas Management Accounting is partly taught in Norwegian.

Within each specialisation the first and second semester consists of compulsory courses, whereas in the third semester the students choose their electives, goes on exchange or take an Internship (Internship combined with electives). In the last semester of the programme the students write their master's thesis.


Analytical Finance
The theory of finance is constantly developed and refined. The finance industry changes quickly and produces an ever-increasing volume of data. Consequently, there is a growing need for employees who possess a solid understanding of finance theory and who can process and analyse financial data.

The specialisation in Analytical Finance will provide you with deep knowledge of financial modelling, computer programming skills, and experience in quantitative analysis of financial data. While studying basic financial theory and econometrics, you will focus on combining computer software and real-world data to implement a wide range of financial models.  The covered topics include, but are not limited to, portfolio management, asset management, performance evaluation, capital market equilibrium models, pricing of derivative securities, risk measurement, numerical optimization, computer programming, financial econometrics, forecasting and stylized facts about financial markets.

By the time of graduation, you will be proficient in using tools that feature prominently in the practice of modern finance. Upon the graduation, you will possess a competitive advantage for securing an attractive position in a bank, a stock exchange, in security trading, investment, risk management, insurance, government or other financial institutions.

Management Accounting
The specialization provides students with insight into how firms create values and how organizations can manage and control the valuation creation process. Graduates from this specialization have the knowledge and the capabilities to assess how market characteristics and other environmental factors influence firm’s strategy and performance. The specialization focuses on accounting standards. Students learn to evaluate a firm’s assets and estimate its value as well as discuss how accounting standards and practices influence firms’ financial statements. The specialization is also designed to teach students management accounting and control systems. More specifically, students learn about the design and use of management accounting and control systems to support and control the fulfilment of organizational goals and strategies

Finally, candidates from this specialization understand and, are able to critically reflecting on ethical challenges they might face in business decisions. Graduates from this specialization are well prepared for management and controller positions in business, industry, government, and NGOs.

International Business
This specialization provides students with theoretical insights and analytical skills in handling business management and challenges in international markets. Central to the program are multinational companies and how they operate. Challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) when entering into the international arena will also be discussed.
The specialisation provides students with knowledge of how the strategic and operational challenges can be analyzed, for example by developing and implementing relevant strategies, management and marketing practices as well as management systems.
International students are admitted to the program as well as Norwegian, and all compulsory courses are taught in English. The specialisation gives students increased cultural understanding and knowledge of international business, making them well suited for positions in enterprises operating in international markets.

Teaching methods

The Master's Programme in Business Administration is a full-time programme. Two courses are taught in parallel first part of the semester. The final exams of these courses will be arranged in the regular midterm examination period. The last two courses will be taught in the latter part of the semester. These courses will have final exams within the regular exam period. TFL400 15 ECTS credits course will be taught throughout the full semester.


Teaching methods are accounted for in the course descriptions and may vary between lectures, discussion seminars, groups, written assignments, and presentations. ICT and library databases will be used in several courses. All compulsory courses in the specialisations International Business and Analytical Finance are taught in English. Several electives and courses in the third specialization are also taught in English. The remaining courses are taught in Norwegian.

Assessment methods

Several of the courses require the students to submit written assignments (individually or in groups) in order to take the final examination. Some courses might also include oral presentations. Several courses have individually written exams, counting 100% of the final grade. In other courses the final grade is based on written assignments (individually or in groups) combined with written exams. Most courses have letter grades A-F, where A is the best grade and F is fail. See each course description for details.


The master’s programme in Business Administration is international in content and orientation. Students are exposed to international dimensions and issues in teaching as well as in the curriculum. Most of the courses are taught in English and are also offered to international degree seeking students and incoming exchange students. Several faculty members have an international background and are active in international research networks.

The School of Business and Law at UiA is internationally accredited by AACSB (the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), and the accreditation opens the doors for collaboration with good institutions worldwide.

Students can apply for exchange in the third semester. The School of Business and Law also offers internship in Nordic enterprises in USA, Canada, Asia and Africa combined with studies at one of our partner institutions. Studying abroad provides an opportunity to take courses and subjects beyond what is offered at the School. Additional benefits of studying abroad are an understanding of global issues and challenges, improved language skills and cross-cultural communication skills, highly valued by many employers. For further information on exchange opportunities, see the International Office's website.

In the penultimate semester students may apply for internship in a local business or a Nordic enterprise in the US or Canada or in a high-growth economy in Asia or Africa. Internship is taken in combination with two electives at the School of Business and Law, or electives with a partner university abroad.

Requirements for continuing in programme

60 ECTS credits, including ME-423 Research Methods (SE-419 Financial Econometrics for the specialization Analytical Finance), must be successfully completed in the programme, in order to be assigned a supervisor for the master's thesis.

Occupational profiles / further studies

The programme provides solid knowledge in Business Administration, and so a solid foundation for executive level positions in both private and public sector. Further description of occupational profiles in the description of each spesialisation.

Candidates graduating from this program are attractive to a wide range of positions within private companies, the public sector, and NGOs. They have solid knowledge in Business Administration and a good foundation for challenging positions in both the private and public sectors. Further descriptions of job opportunities can be found in the descriptions of the various specializations. The study program also provides a solid basis for establishing and running their own business.

Successful completion also qualifies for admission to the PhD programme at the School of Business and Law, and to other PhD programmes in Norway and abroad.

Qualification awarded

Successful completion of the programme awards the degree Master i økonomi og administrasjon - Siviløkonom (Master of Science Degree in Business Administration - "Siviløkonom").


Student evaluations are carried out annually in the Study Programme Advisory Committee in accordance with the quality system for education chapter 4.2.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 5:47:32 AM