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eduVPN (virtual private network) provides UiA students and employees with secure access to the university's electronic resources, such as library content and licensed programs, from any location, and protects against unwanted snooping.

Image may contain: Human body, Gesture, Font, Sharing, Parallel.

Source: Colourbox


  • Install eduVPN (PC/Mac):

    Download eduVPN

    ClickIT (PC/Mac)

    App Store (Apple)

    Play Store (Android)

    Alle enheter (via UiA)

    • Download and open ClickIT
    • Select eduVPN and click "Install". Mac users will be redirected to the App Store for downloading.
    • You will receive a confirmation when the installation is complete.
  • Start the connection (all devices):

    • Open the eduVPN application.
    • Search for "University of Agder" or add
    • Connect to UiA-eduVPN. On the first connection, you will be prompted to approve the application by choosing "Approve Application". Requires login with your UiA account if you are not already logged in from your browser.
  • If you encounter challenges:

    • Ensure that no other VPN solutions are active at the same time.
    • Remember that the eduVPN license lasts for 14 days. If it expires while you are connected, you must reconnect or restart the program.
    • Try changing the default app for the browser.
    • Restarting your machine might help.
    • Contact UiA Help
Published Apr. 5, 2024 - Last modified May 8, 2024