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Rights and responsibilities for students

As a student at UiA, you have a lot of freedom, but there are also expectations of you.

As a student, it is your responsibility to stay informed and up to date about matters concerning your studies. The most common channels for information are Canvas or email.
Please note that email messages will be sent to your student address, rather than your personal email address. You can set up email forwarding on 

How much time do studies require?

The short answer is that as a full-time student, it is expected that you dedicate a similar amount of time to your studies as you would during a regular work week - around 37.5 hours per week (1600 hours per academic year).


  • As a student, you are not evaluated based on the time you spend studying, but rather on how well you grasp and learn the material. Which means that you should dedicate whatever time is necessary to acquire the knowledge and skills expected of you. 
  • When applying for jobs, employers are interested in the entirety of your background; not just exam results, but also the experiences you have gained elsewhere, including working experience, voluntary work, and periods abroad. This is why it is wise to consider how to develop your individual competencies throughout your time as a student. 
  • Once you have secured a job, you will be assessed based on what you know, the job you do, your character, and your ability to adapt to changing needs and acquire new knowledge in the workplace. With a rapidly changing society, "learning how to learn" becomes an essential part of the student experience. Your education serves as the foundation on which you will build future learning; remember this during times when not everything seems relevant! 

We understand that it is quite common, and sometimes necessary, for students to have part-time jobs alongside their studies due to financial pressure. Nevertheless, we believe it is important to point out that, as a full-time student, your studies should be your primary focus.


Published Apr. 10, 2024 - Last modified Apr. 17, 2024