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It follows from section 13 of the Public Administration Act that all public employees are under a duty of confidentiality regarding the information they obtain during the course of their service about the personal circumstances of users, pupils, clients and customers.

The students’ duty of confidentiality is specified in section 4-6 of the Act relating to universities and university colleges. By ‘personal circumstances’ is meant family relations, physical and mental health (including diagnoses), character and emotional life. Whether a name is mentioned or not is irrelevant if the pupil can be identified.

The confidentiality provisions also apply to employees in private schools, cf. the Education Act section 15-1.

    Declaration of confidentiality implies:

    I understand

    • that in connection with the practice period(s) I will gain access to information that must not become known to unauthorised persons.
    • that my status as a student at the University of Agder requires a sense of responsibility and loyalty, as well as respect for the protection of privacy and other values ​​that apply to pupils/users/patients and all aspects of the activities at the practice placement.

    I commit to

    • showing caution in the handling of tasks I perform in connection with placement and practice work.
    • preserving secrecy with regards to sensitive information and circumstances which may become known to me in the performance of my commitment as a student at the University of Agder.

    I realise that

    • an intentional or negligent breach of this duty of confidentiality may result in not passing the practice placement and also criminal liability.
    • the duty of confidentiality continues to apply after practice completion.

    Confidentiality in practice placements

    The declaration of confidentiality is mandatory for

    • all students in the teacher education programmes
    • students on the biomedical laboratory science programme at the Faculty of Engineering and Science
    • students who are admitted to programmes at the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences where practice is included.
    • students on the Master's Programme in Child Welfare

    The declaration is confirmed by each individual student on Studentweb BEFORE the practice period begins.

    Confidentiality in research projects

    Students and others with access to personal information and confidential information obtained in connection with research projects and student assignments are required to fill in a Declaration of confidentiality here.

    Published Apr. 10, 2024 - Last modified Apr. 15, 2024