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Education plan

An education plan secures a closer and more binding relationship between the student and the university. It helps students plan the course of their studies and assists the university in following up those students.

Rights and obligations

Please read and confirm that you understand the rights and obligations when they appear. 

Changes in the education plan

You can make changes in your education plan within set deadlines. Some changes you can make yourself, while others can only be made with guidance. You can find information about your study programme in the ECTS Course Catalogue. If you want to take examinations that are not part of your education plan, or that you cannot obtain approval for, you have to sign up for these courses outside of your education plan. If you want to switch your studies to part-time, you have to contact the student adviser at your faculty to make the changes to the education plan. A leave of absence may be granted after a written application. Note that failure to meet the progression and intention requirements outlined in your education plan may result in consequences for your study privileges, cf. the Regulations relating to study programmes and examinations at the University of Agder.

Please note! Contact the student adviser at your faculty to update your education plan if there are changes to your course of study.

Deadline for education plan

The deadline for confirming the education plan is 1 September for the autumn semester and 1 February for the spring semester. When the semester registration has been paid and the education plan has been submitted, UiA will send a semester receipt to the semester address you have registered in Studentweb.

Expected workload

A full-time student is expected to invest at least 1600 hours per academic year in their studies.


The institution's activities are governed by national laws and regulations, as well as regulations set by the university. It is important that you familiarise yourself with the most important laws and regulations that apply. Read more about regulations.

Student evaluation as part of the quality assurance system

By confirming the education plan, you are obligated to take part in the university’s evaluations of courses and study programmes. Read more about evaluations.

Printout of education plan

If you need a printout of your education plan, please contact UiA Help.

Published Mar. 21, 2024 - Last modified Mar. 26, 2024