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Submitting a bachelor's or master's thesis

All students writing a master's thesis must first agree with the faculty regarding supervision. Bachelor's and master's theses are submitted through the digital exam tool Inspera. When submitting, it is important to register the correct title, which will be included on your diploma.

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Log in to Inspera

Choose Log in with FEIDE and enter your regular UiA username and password

  • You are using open internet without Safe Exam Browser
  • Your thesis must be converted to PDF before you upload it.
  • Allow enough time to register the title in Inspera.
  • Inspera closes automatically when the deadline expires.

Submitting a master's thesis

To submit a master's thesis you need to complete three steps: 

  1. Read the declaration of consent, and state whether or not you agree to have your master's thesis published through the university library
  2. Fill out the form on page two. Enter the title of your thesis as it should appear on your diploma and in AURA. The abstract from the thesis should also be included (copied from the master's thesis). Be sure to use the format "last name, first name"
    for the author and supervisor. If there are multiple authors or supervisors, separate them with line breaks, like this:
    Olsen, Ola
    Hansen, Kari
  3. Upload your PDF file of your master's thesis - make sure it is the correct file you are uploading. The file will be automatically submitted after the deadline has passed. 

Publication of master's thesis

UiA strongly encourages the open-access publication of all master's theses. This is an opportunity to showcase UiA's research work.
The three requirements that must be met for publication to take place are:

  1. The thesis must have been approved
  2. The thesis must not contain any confidential information
  3. The student must agree to the open-access publication of their thesis by confirming through the submission process in Inspera Assessment.

After the deadline, you can locate your thesis in a separate file. 

Consent for publication is given during the submission process, and it takes approximately 100 days from the time you submit the thesis until it is published.

Postponed availability
If you want the assignment to be published at a later time, check the box indicating that it should not be published. When you are ready for publishing, you can contact the examination office.

In exceptional cases, classifying theses containing strictly confidential information may be necessary. These theses should never be published, but your name, the assignment title, and the summary will be available in Aura.

Submitting a bachelor's thesis

Submitting a bachelor's thesis follows the same process as other assignment submissions. You can use a standard title page template from UiA, but this is not a formal requirement:

Remember to write your candidate number instead of your name on the title page if you have been instructed to submit your bachelor's thesis anonymously. If you are submitting the assignment as a group assignment, you will find information about this under the take-home exam page.

Front page templates

Title page template bachelor (eng) (.doc)

Title page template master (eng) (.doc)

If you encounter any difficulties adding the title page to your thesis, there are two solutions you can consider:

  • Copy the content of your thesis Word file into the title page Word file (and not the other way around).
  • Create two separate PDF files for the cover and the thesis, and combine the files using PDF Merge.

Printing the thesis

If you would like to have physical copies of your thesis, you can choose from the following two options:

  1. Print your thesis double-sided and bring the printout to UiA Help. You can purchase a transparent plastic cover and binding for your thesis.
  2. Contact a local print shop of your choice and have your thesis bound.

Delays in your work?

If you can provide documentation that your health condition has led to delays in completing the assignment, you may apply for an extension of up to two weeks. Remember to apply at least five days before the submission deadline.

Apply for a delayed submission

Published Feb. 15, 2024 - Last modified May 30, 2024