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Exam accommodations

If you have a health issue or disability that hinders the conduct of your exam, you can apply for accommodations for the exam.

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Application deadlines for exam accommodations

The need for accommodations or an extended submission deadline must always be documented.

  • The general deadline for applying for accommodations for on-site exams and shorter home exams: 15 March and 15 October.
    For exams before these dates, the deadline is 14 days before the exam.
  • Extended deadline for assignment submissions, including bachelor's and master's theses: Five days before the submission deadline.
  • Two exams on the same day: Four weeks before the exam.

In acute cases, applications may still be considered after the deadline has passed. If you apply close to the submission deadline/exam date, please contact the examination office. Without documentation, your application will be rejected.

Who can apply?

Students who need special accommodations during exams due to health reasons

You must document your need with a medical certificate or a certificate from, for example, a speech therapist or psychologist. The certificate must clearly describe the specific accommodation you require. The rules are outlined in the Regulations for Study Programmes and Exams at UiA §33.

Students with Norwegian as a second language 

If Norwegian is your second language, you can receive extra exam time during your first two semesters as a registered student at the university. Students with completion of a Norwegian upper secondary school and students with Norwegian citizenship are treated as if they have Norwegian as their native language.

You are also entitled to a bilingual dictionary for school exams, but this does not apply to language subjects.

Documentation is not required. To submit the application, you can upload an empty attachment.

What kind of accommodations can I apply for?

School exam 

  • Extra time: Up to 10 minutes per hour, but a maximum of one hour.
  • Dictionary: Using a bilingual dictionary during the exam.
  • Writing tool and text-to-speech software: Using tools in Inspera. NB! This does not apply to language subjects. (For documented needs related to Lingdys, university machines are used).
  • Smaller room: Sitting in a room with fewer students.
  • Private room: Sitting in a private room. 
    Please note that this is only granted in exceptional cases.
  • Breastfeeding time: Breastfeeding during the exam. Must be documented with, for example, a birth certificate or a medical certificate confirming the due date.

Take-home exam

If you have been granted extra time as an accommodation, this will also apply to shorter take-home exams:

  • Take-home exam 2 days: 4 hours
  • Take-home exam 3 days: 6 hours
  • Take-home exam 4-7 days: an additional 24 hours
  • Take-home exam 8-14 days: an additional 48 hours

Bachelor's and master's thesis 

If you need an extended submission deadline for larger assignments that are not covered by a granted exam accommodation, you must submit a separate application at least five days before the assignment's original deadline. This applies, for example, to term papers, bachelor's theses, and master's theses. An extended deadline will extend the grading deadline, which may result in not receiving a grade or diploma until after the break. Any necessary oral exams will also be postponed until after the break.

If you apply for an extended deadline close to the assignment deadline due to an acute illness, you must also contact the examination office. If you are too ill to submit, you should apply for a valid absence instead.

Oral exam

The need for accommodations for an oral exam must be discussed directly with your teacher or the course coordinator.

Clashing exams

If two exams clash, you can apply to take both exams on the same day. The Examination Office will approve this as long as it is practically possible. We will determine the order in which you take the exams, and you will have a maximum of a half-hour break (under supervision) before the next exam.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, if both exams are take-home exams, it is not possible to approve this request.

You can also apply for valid absence for one of the exams, provided that you have passed any exam requirements and are cleared to take the exam. Valid absence will not count as an exam attempt, and you have the opportunity to register for a possible deferred exam.

The application deadline is no later than four weeks before the exam.

Application forms

Application for exam accommodations

Application for extended submission deadline

Application for two exams on the same day

Published Feb. 15, 2024 - Last modified May 30, 2024