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Declaration of consent to the publication of a master's thesis

You decide whether your assignment should be published or not, and it is important that you are aware of your rights as an author regarding publication. By consenting, you grant the University of Agder (UiA) the rights to make the assignment available in our publication archive, AURA.

The library needs information regarding whether or not they can publish your thesis. 

This consent applies to a graded master's thesis subsequent to the award of a final grade. The author may at any time withdraw his/her consent to publication. However, if the consent is in effect, see point 6 below.

1. Rights of use

Master’s theses are subject to the copyright provisions of the Copyright Act (Act No. 2 of 12 May 1961). This means that a thesis shall not be published or in any way used without the consent of the author. To restrict access to a master’s thesis means restricting the use of the thesis. If the thesis contains information which is subject to the duty of confidence, access has to be restricted pursuant to the Public Administration Act § 13. As copyright owner you may choose to restrict access to the thesis due to other reasons than statutory duty of confidence. We ask you therefore to consider whether it is necessary to restrict access and in that case whether such restrictions should be imposed with limit of time.

2. The right to publish

The University of Agder is hereby given a non-exclusive right, without any compensation, to publish the master’s thesis in the current institutional archive. This entails possible publication on the Internet and that the thesis is made downloadable. The author is aware of and accepts the consequences of Internet publication.

3. The student's obligations 

3.1 The author warrants that he/she is the creator of the submitted thesis with complete copyright to the whole work. If a third party has copyright which precludes electronic publication through UiAs institutional archive without third-party consent, it is up to the author to obtain the necessary permission. The author warrants that the thesis does not contain materials that contravene Norwegian laws or contain any kind of link to such materials.
3.2 If a master’s thesis has been written jointly by two or more students, each author must give their consent to publication by signing this document.
3.3 The author will, in the case of formation of contract with other parties (e.g. periodicals or publishers) about publication, protect the rights of the University of Agder pursuant to this consent form.

4. The University of Agder's obligations

4.1 UiA will publish the thesis without alterations; with text, charts, graphics, pictures etc., but with the technical adaptations required for Internet publication.
4.2 UiA will protect the thesis against unauthorised third-party alterations according to current security regulations.
4.3 UiA will not have rights of use of the master’s thesis beyond what is stated in this consent form.

5. Transferring consent 

The University will only transfer its rights and/or obligations concerning publication of master’s theses to a third party if the author’s rights are clearly identified and respected in the transfer agreement.

6. Termination of consent

6.1 The University has unlimited right to abstain from or discontinue the publication of a thesis.
6.2 The author has the right to withdraw his/her consent to publication. This must be done in writing. UiA will remove the thesis from the institutional archive as soon as possible and at the latest 2 weeks after having received the withdrawal.

7. Disclaimer of liability

UiA does not accept any liability for the content of the published thesis. UiA is exempt from liability for damages to the author’s interests unless the damage is done with intent or is caused by gross negligence on part of the UiA or any party that the UiA is liable for. 

Published Feb. 15, 2024 - Last modified May 29, 2024