The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Master's Programme in Shift Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Master's Programme in Shift Entrepreneurship and Business

Teaching language


Recommended prerequisites

60 ECTS credits, including Research Methods, must be successfully completed in the master’s programme in order to be assigned a supervisor for the master's thesis.

Course contents

In the last semester the students write a Master's Thesis counting 30 ECTS credits within the chosen specialisation of study. The topic may be selected by the student or suggested by business contacts or faculty members. However, the students themselves have to formulate the final research question under guidance from the supervisor. In terms of form and content, the thesis is expected to have a tight coupling between its theoretical foundation and scientific method. The thesis should also have an analytical approach and often an empirical analysis of the research question. The student should follow academic standards and norms with respect to research and reporting.

The faculty provides guidelines for the Master's Theis. A copy of the guidelines will be made available in Canvas

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the students should:

  • Have advanced knowledge of the field researched for the master’s thesis

  • Be able to communicate scholarly issues through written text and oral presentation

  • Be able to apply relevant scientific theory and methods in studying an academic issue, and independently analyze empirical data

  • Be able to carry out a scientific project in line with academic standards and ethical norms for good research

  • Be able to receive, interpret and respond to feedback on the project

  • Be able to conduct an independent research project

Examination requirements

Two meetings with the supervisor and attendance and presentation during a seminar where all students present their work.

Teaching methods

The thesis is an independent study involving literature review, field work and data analysis. The students receive supervision independently and/or in groups, with a mid-way presentation. Estimated workload is about 810 hours.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written thesis with a graded mark. Written in groups of two students, with the possibility to apply to write alone. The students will receive one grade on the submitted thesis, which can be individually adjusted by maximum one grade (up or down) after the oral presentation. More information is provided on Canvas.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 11:45:01 PM