The course is connected to the following study programs

Teaching language



  • MUK174 Main instrument 1 (30 cr)/MUK175 Main areas 1 (30 cr)

  • MUK203 Main instrument 2 (25 cr)/MUK175 Main areas 2 (25 cr)

  • MUK173 Musical communication/presentation (5 cr)

  • MUK171 Concert production, entrepreneuring and simmunication/presentation in a societal perspective (5 cr)

  • MUK1XX Philosophy of science, aesthetics and analysis

Course contents

The Bachelor thesis is a major, individual work. The work has its foothold in performance disciplines or will be related to projects from the courses MUK107 Philosophy of science, aesthetics and analysis, MUK177 Outreach and dialogue or MUK171 Concert production, entrepreneuring and communication/presentation in a societal perspective. The work shall result in a paper of around 15–20 pages. The theme and problem/thesis statement must be approved in advance by their supervisor. Student will receive tuition in research methods, research design, data processing and how to use literature and material. The paper shall be delivered according to academic standards indicated in detail at the start of the semester.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students shall:

  • be familiar with relevant work done within research and development for the subject

  • be able to apply scientific methods in the subject

  • be able to reflect upon his/her own practice and choice of method related to the chosen theme for the assignment

  • be able to present their projects through writing, oral presentations and digital formats

Examination requirements

  • Delivered and approved project description for the assignment

  • Approved compulsory attendance for lectures

  • Approved attendance of 4 individual supervision sessions

Further information is provided in Canvas at the beginning of the semester.  

Teaching methods

The course is conducted through lectures, group work and individual supervision. 4 mandatory supervision sessions are provided each student.

Parts of the tuition is mandatory. These will be presented in Canvas at the beginning of the semester. 

Expected workload for an average student is 27 hours per credit.



The person responsible for the course, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1.

Admission for external candidates


Assessment methods and criteria

Individual written Bachelors thesis. Scope: approx.7000 words.
Assessment: Graded A-F

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 11:44:40 PM