The course is connected to the following study programs

  • PhD Programme in Engineering and Science

Teaching language


Recommended prerequisites

Master in materials science/technology, chemistry, solid state physics, or another discipline closely related to materials science.

Course contents

The course intends to present new, relevant, and advanced topics within modern materials science. The selection of topics will depend on the candidates and will comprise  powder metallurgy, material classes and structures, phase diagrams and phase transformations, kinetics of metallurgical reactions, mechanical metallurgy, thermo-physical properties, toughness and crack growth mechanisms. The course will be based on advanced literature updated with new original papers and will require an active participation from the students. 

Learning outcomes

On completing the course, the student will be able to:

  • demonstrate extensive knowledge and skills related to the selected topics covered by the course.
  • be able to use the knowledge and skills gained to discuss and analyse relevant problems connected to materials science.
  • demonstrate an understanding of the impact of materials science on society.
  • demonstrate written and oral communication skills in communicating materials science- and physics/chemistry-related topics.

Examination requirements

To be allowed to attend the oral exam, the presentations must have been approved.

Teaching methods

The course requires the course responsible define a suitable syllabus in collaboration with the candidates. The teaching will be a combination of lectures and self-study, with the students taking an active role in preparing and presenting different topics of materials science in the course. Attendance during presentations is mandatory for all participants in the course.

Lectures will be given partly in person and on-line.

Admission for external candidates


Offered as Single Standing Module

The course is primary intended for Doctoral degree students at the Department of Engineering Sciences. However, external students may be accepted into the course after careful evaluation.

Admission Requirement if given as Single Standing Module

Must be admitted to a PhD programme.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination. Pass/Fail.   

Other information


Compendium with extracts from relevant textbooks and a selection of journal articles. See reference list for literature below. Adequate content will be agreed on at start of the course. 

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 11:44:36 PM