The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Master's 5-Year Programme in Teacher Education, level 1-7
  • Master's 5-Year Programme in Teacher Education, level 5-10

Teaching language


Recommended prerequisites

Recomended the first three semesters in primary school teacher education.

Course contents

The course emphasizes equipping the students into a school day where technology plays an ever-increasing role. Students will develop and test out various aspects of school life both through exercises on campus. Students are encouraged to reflect on how to promote student activity teaching and adapted teaching with and without technology. 


An overall goal for the course is to develop critical reflection on digitization in society in general and in schools, including Digital Citizenship, and what is appropriate use of digital tools and resources in learning and teaching.

Learning outcomes


After completing the course, students are to master 

  • Comprehensive knowledge about the impact of digital transformation of society in educational contexts 

  • Comprehensive knowledge about professional digital competence for teachers to enhance learning in schools 

  • Comprehensive knowledge about how to balance digital and analogue approaches and resources for teaching and learning 


After completing the course, students are to master 

  • Explain and master critical thinking about different understandings of what digital transformation means to society and the schools’ role and tasks 

  • Critical thinking of didactic use of digital resources and practices that enhance student-active and adaptive and/or personalized teaching and learning – within distinct subjects and grades; 1.-7. grade and 5.-10. grade. 

  • Plan, run and lead teaching in 1:1 classroom 

  • Have experienced diverse video-based assessment methods 

  • Have experienced to use learning analytics for pedagogical purposes

  • Have experienced learning platforms for reports, and for school-home communication 

  • Knowledge about the complexity of GDPR and information security that relate to school/ education 

  • Capability to keep updated about new trends in digital learning resources and new pedagogical approaches. 

Overall competences 

  • Critical thinking about pedagogical possibilities and challenges that comes with teaching and learning in technology rich environments 

  • Critical thinking and mastering how to enable student-active learning and adaptive teaching with – or without technology 

  • Critical thinking about ethical dimensions within digital transformation of education 



The person responsible for the course decides, in cooperation with student representative, the form of student evaluation and whether the course is to have a midway or end of course evaluation in accordance with the quality system for education, chapter 4.1.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 7:44:06 PM