The course is connected to the following study programs

  • School of Business and Law, PhD programme
  • International Management, PhD Programme

Teaching language



PhD candidates. Applicants with relevant scientific background can be considered if the resources are available

Recommended prerequisites

Students who are not well grounded in Marketing at the master's level are expected to gain this foundation prior to entering the course.

Course contents

The course will cover important issues in international marketing, including:

  • Marketing Perspectives

  • Culture's impact on international marketing

  • Ethical issues in international business

  • International Marketing Strategy

  • Standardization vs Adaptation

  • International Communication

  • International Branding

  • International Buyer Behavior

  • Marketing in Emerging and Developing Markets

  • Firm Internationalization

  • Market Entry Strategies and Modes

  • International Internet Marketing

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course/programme, the student should be able to

  • gain knowledge of the key research areas in international marketing

  • summarize the key research in the relevant areas and present these

  • develop an understanding of the research methods employed in the international marketing literature

  • write a research paper in one of these areas

Examination requirements

Quality presentations and participation

Teaching methods

The course will be a combination of

  • lectures

  • student presentations and discussions

  • and writing/presenting a research paper

Seminar participation: 5 days x 7 hours = 35 hours
Reading articles: 60 articles x 30 minutes = 30 hours
Preparing presentations: 2 presentations x 5 hours = 10 hours
Writing a paper = 50 hours
Preparing and presenting the paper = 12 hours

Assessment methods and criteria

Course paper. Pass/Fail - where Pass must be equivalent to the letter grade B or better.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 7:43:55 AM