The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Bachelor's Programme in Biology
  • Bachelor's Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
  • Industrial Mathematics, Bachelor's Programme
  • Bachelor's Programme in Multimedia Technology and Design
  • Civil and Structural Engineering, Bachelor's Programme
  • Computer Engineering, Bachelor's Programmme
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Bachelor's Programme
  • Renewable Energy, Bachelor's Programme
  • Mechatronics, Bachelor's Programme

Teaching language

Norwegian or English


Good knowledge within the chosen specialization is required. Students should have passed all courses from the 1st and 2nd year of study. Particularly strong expertise in the project's theme may substitute parts of the prerequisite. To access the course, students must be affiliated with and have an agreement for guidance from one of the institute's research and development projects (R&D).

Course contents

The project's content will be related to ongoing research and development work at the institute. A supervisor for the project will be selected from the relevant R&D project. Relevant literature will be determined in collaboration with the supervisor. An introduction to the subject and the expectations of the faculty regarding the project work to be conducted will be provided. The student will be assigned a project within the chosen specialization. The main part of the course will involve independent project work, either individually or in a group. A verbal presentation of the project work will be required.

This course can function as a preliminary project for a bachelor's thesis associated with the institute's R&D activities.

The project description and bibliography must be approved by the program leader to ensure no overlap with other courses and that the course is initiated solely to achieve specific objectives.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the student will:

  • Have acquired in-depth knowledge in a field within technology or natural sciences.

  • Have gained knowledge and the ability to carry out a larger project.

Examination requirements

Approved project description. Mandatory supervision.

Teaching methods

Independent work facilitated by guidance.

Workload Estimated workload for an average student is 27 hours per credit.

Offered as Single Standing Module


Assessment methods and criteria

Project work carried out individually or in groups. Graded assessment.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:22:00 AM