The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Bachelor's Programme in Biology
  • Industrial Mathematics, Bachelor's Programme
  • Bachelor's Programme in Multimedia Technology and Design
  • Civil and Structural Engineering, Bachelor's Programme
  • Computer Engineering, Bachelor's Programmme
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Bachelor's Programme
  • Renewable Energy, Bachelor's Programme
  • Mechatronics, Bachelor's Programme

Teaching language

Norwegian or English


  • A minimum of 90 credits in the study program must be completed.

  • The internship company and the plan for carrying out the internship must be pre-approved by the Study Program Manager.

  • The student must possess the necessary prerequisites and competence to complete the tasks required during the internship period. The student's prerequisites and competence will be assessed by the employer through application, CV, and interview. The company prioritizes qualified applicants and grants internships based on this.

Course contents

During the internship period, the student should actively participate in the company's tasks. The central aspects of the internship should consist of relevant work tasks for the student's program. The student should have a contact person in the company and one at UiA. A written contract should be prepared between the student, UiA, and the internship company, regulating the internship period and the responsibilities of the three parties. Students should gain valuable and relevant experience from the working world through their internship in a company. Students will be placed with the client on fixed days of the week, with the choice of days coordinated with the schedule for other courses.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Present themselves to an employer through a job application, CV, and interview.

  • Have knowledge of the organizational culture and the roles of colleagues in the company.

  • Adapt to and align with the requirements in a professional company.

  • Have knowledge of work tasks and methods in the company, especially the main tasks performed during the internship period.

  • Communicate and collaborate with involved parties to solve specific work tasks.

  • Plan and complete work tasks in their field independently and utilize relevant professional tools and techniques.

  • Reflect on their own role in collaboration with others.

  • Reflect on their professional practice in relation to the main tasks performed during the internship period and the relevance of their own bachelor's program to working life.

Examination requirements

Participation in the internship workshop at UiA during the internship period.

Mid-term status report during the internship period.

Teaching methods

Internship placement in a professional company. A minimum of 300 working hours must be completed in the practice activities. In case of absence due to illness or other causes, the lost working hours must be made up at a later date.

During the internship period, a mandatory workshop will be arranged for students taking the internship course.

The workload for the average student is 400 hours, where 300 working hours are carried out in a company.


The person responsible for the course decides, in cooperation with student representative, the form of student evaluation and whether the course is to have a midway or end of course evaluation in accordance with the quality system for education, chapter 4.1.

Assessment methods and criteria

Portfolio assessment. The portfolio should include the following parts:

  • Application and CV.

  • Ongoing log/diary.

  • Final report after the internship period.

  • A minimum of 300 working hours documented with time sheets signed by the company's contact person.

  • Video with an oral presentation.

Grade: Pass/Fail. Detailed guidelines and deadlines for the portfolio will be announced at the start of the course.

Other information

Application for the course should be made by the specified deadline in the semester before the course is to be taken. The number of internship positions offered by UiA is limited. In consultation with the faculty and program leader, the student must identify a suitable internship company. It is also possible to find an internship independently and have it approved by the faculty. The student applies to the company for an internship position and is assessed based on a prepared CV, application, and an interview with the relevant company.

Reduction of Credits

This course’s contents overlap with the following courses. A reduction of credits will occur if one of these courses is taken in addition:

Course Reduction of Credits
IKT200 – Internship 10
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:21:44 AM