The course is connected to the following study programs

Course contents

The course allows students to deepen their knowledge within their main instrument/area of focus within their chosen specialization. The repertoire will be determined in collaboration with the artistic supervisor. This may also include improvisation, original compositions, adaptations (remixes), and arrangements.

The course focuses on practical music performance, including artistic guidance in main instrument instruction, interpretation, music production, and concert presentation. The emphasis is on individuality, artistic distinctive character, and musical identity, providing students with advanced knowledge in the field of music. The course includes extensive work in music studios to develop composition skills and the use of relevant music technology tools, including the development of tools tailored to each student's working method. Additionally, students will engage in performance activities such as concerts, compositions, music production, and creative studio work. The work is conveyed through independent project work and recorded music. In the specialization in Rhythmic Music Performance, emphasis is placed on concert presentation, stage fright, artistic expression, and presentation. In the specialization in Electronic Music, focus is placed on composition/songwriting and creative use of music technology. In the specialization in World Music, focus is placed on concert presentation, genre knowledge, artistic distinctive character, expression, and presentation, either based on independent project work or general concert repertoire. Collaboration with regional, national, and international stakeholders is involved. In the specialization in Songwriting, emphasis is placed on developing and elucidate one's own artistic expression and sound through creative work in songwriting and production using various recording and production techniques. Additionally, students engage with the music industry for the dissemination and distribution of finished music.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • demonstrate artistic expression and advanced instrumental skills

  • have in-depth knowledge of communication within their chosen specialization

  • initiate, develop, execute, and lead artistic projects

  • have acquired a specialized repertoire

  • apply material from research and artistic development to enhance their own performance activities

Examination requirements

• Attendance at mandatory teaching sessions

• Approval of mandatory assignments Further information is provided in Canvas at the start of the semester.

Teaching methods


In the specializations of Performing Music, Electronic Music, World Music, and Songwriting, students receive individual artistic supervision in their main instrument/area of focus, as well as group teaching where 1st and 2nd-year students participate together. The teaching format is tailored to each specialization and may include lectures, workshops, masterclasses, and/or collaborative group work. Interpretation is conducted in group sessions where students from all specializations in the 1st and 2nd years participate collectively. Parts of the teaching are mandatory. These parts are presented in Canvas at the start of the semester. The expected workload is 27 hours per credit.


The course responsible, in consultation with the student representative, determines the evaluation format and whether the courses should have mid-term or final evaluations in accordance with the quality system Chapter 4.1. Information about the evaluation format for the course is published in Canvas.

Admission for external candidates


Offered as Single Standing Module


Assessment methods and criteria

Individual examination consisting of two parts:

• Part 1: Various sound productions totaling 10 minutes.

• Part 2: A reflection paper of up to 1500 words.

Further information is provided in Canvas. Both parts must be passed to pass the examination.

Grading: Pass/Fail

Reduction of Credits

This course’s contents overlap with the following courses. A reduction of credits will occur if one of these courses is taken in addition:

Course Reduction of Credits
MUR400 – Individual Performance and Interpretation 15
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 1, 2024 12:39:39 AM