The course is connected to the following study programs

Teaching language


Course contents

The student will write a master’s thesis spanning 60–90 pages. It should discourse practical/empirical issues from different academic perspectives related to the chosen theme. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are accepted. Other approaches can be implemented following an agreement with the supervisor.

Learning outcomes

Upon course completion, the student should:

  • be able to implement and design a written academic work promoting new knowledge

  • be able to analyse academic problems and issues through critical reflection

  • be able to argue for relevant methods and employ existing practices in relation to the theme and approach

  • be able to find and use relevant literature and material to respond to the chosen hypothesis/research question/approach to the problem

  • be able to communicate, articulate and discourse relevant academic problems and issues critically as well as reflectively, both within the academic community and to the general public.

Examination requirements

  • Approved attendance at mandatory teaching and learning activities such as lectures, master classes and seminars

  • Approved completing of online teaching activities

  • Approved accomplishment of individual supervision

Further information is given through Canvas at the beginning of the semester.

Teaching methods

The student will select a theme and approach for the master’s thesis in agreement with the supervisor and they both have the responsibility to make a plan for the project implementation. Supervision can be performed both on campus, online or as combination of the two. Supervision will primarily be given individually but can be delivered as group tuition on selected themes. Throughout the course, the students will also participate in master classes and seminars with internal and external pedagogues, scholars and performers. The students can also participate actively in one of the university’s research groups.

Parts of the teaching and learning activities are mandatory. These will be communicated through Canvas at the beginning of the semester.

The expected workload for students is 27 hours per credit.


In cooperation with the student representative, the person responsible for the course determines the form of student evaluation and whether the course is to have a midway or end of course evaluation (in accordance with the quality system for education, Chapter 4.1).

Assessment methods and criteria

An individual master’s thesis spanning 60–90 pages.

Assessment: graded by letters.

Reduction of Credits

This course’s contents overlap with the following courses. A reduction of credits will occur if one of these courses is taken in addition:

Course Reduction of Credits
MUK500 – Master's Thesis and Performance 30
MUK502 – Individual artistry and master’s project 30
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 1, 2024 12:39:28 AM