The course is connected to the following study programs

Teaching language


Course contents

The course provides experience in developing project descriptions and practical training in preparing and communicating larger scientific or artistic-scientific projects. The student will learn about analytical approaches to project development and about work with applications and formats for project descriptions - including planning, structuring and design.

In a typical project description, the student, in consultation with the supervisor, will choose a focus area to be elaborated on. The project's theoretical and methodological framework, the project's implementation, background and purpose, dissemination of results, ethical aspects and gender perspectives must also appear here.

Learning outcomes

Upon course completion, the student should:

  • be able to produce project descriptions

  • be able to develop an original problem/hypothesis/approach

  • be able to relate critically to material and methods

  • be able to perform research activities in an ethically and academically acceptable way

  • be able to communicate academic perspectives, analyses and conclusions in writing in a clear manner

Examination requirements

  • Approved attendance at mandatory teaching activities, master classes and seminars

  • Approved completing of online teaching activities

  • Approved accomplishment of individual supervision

Further information is given through Canvas at the beginning of the semester.

Teaching methods

The course consists of online teaching and individual supervision. The online part of the course is done through the digital platform Canvas. The knowledge acquired online is followed up through individual supervision where the student connects the former to her/his project description and the relevant formats, methods and traditions affiliated with it. Supervision can be done on campus, online or as a combination of the two working- and teaching methods.

Throughout the course, the students will also participate in master classes and seminars with internal and external pedagogues, scholars, and performers. The students can also participate actively in one of the faculty’s research groups.

The expected workload for students is 27 hours per credit.


In cooperation with the student representative, the person responsible for the course determines the form of student evaluation and whether the course is to have a midway or end of course evaluation (in accordance with the quality system for education, Chapter 4.1).

Admission for external candidates


Assessment methods and criteria

An individual project description of at least 10 pages.

Assessment: Graded

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 1, 2024 12:39:28 AM