The course is connected to the following study programs

Teaching language



The students are expected to have completed the courses MAS409, MAS417, MAS416, MAS410, MAS414, MAS413 before taking the project.

They should also either have completed or be concurrently enrolled in MAS508 - Control Theory, as well as two of the elective mechatronics courses from the third semester of the full-time master’s programme.

Course contents

The course aims to improve problem-solving skills in Mechatronics, setting a strong foundation for the master thesis project. Students will apply theoretical knowledge from prior and ongoing courses to hands-on engineering tasks, either assigned or self-proposed (subject to approval and access to the necessary equipment). Project themes align with relevant research initiatives or real-world industry challenges, providing a blend of academic goals and practical relevance.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion, the student will be able to:

  • Analyze complex engineering tasks, articulate research problems, and define precise objectives, requirements, and constraints for a Mechatronics application encompassing mechanical systems, sensors, actuators, real-time control systems, and the operational environment.
  • Conduct literature reviews, adopt pertinent theoretical approaches, and apply appropriate methodologies to address advanced challenges in Mechatronics.
  • Collaborate efficiently in a team setting to plan and achieve project objectives.
  • Document project processes and results comprehensively and present findings coherently to both supervisors and peers.

Teaching methods

Engage in group projects (1-3 students per group) under expert supervision, fostering collaboration, innovation, and real-world problem-solving. Active and constructive participation in project work is mandatory. The student’s individual contribution and teamwork are pivotal in achieving the project's objectives.

Estimated workload for the average student is approximately 200 hours.


The course evaluation is completed as a midterm evaluation in accordance with the provisions listed in the Quality Assurance System Chapter 2.1.1. A final evaluation may be completed as required.

Offered as Single Standing Module


Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 5:39:14 AM