The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Master's Programme in Fine Arts

Teaching language

Language of instructionEnglish


Admission requirements

The applicant must satisfy one of the following academic requirements.

• Specialization of a minimum of 80 credits in music, theatre, dance, visual arts, film or

• Trained teacher (general teacher training, primary school teacher training, specialistteacher training, pre-school teacher training) with 60 credits in either, drama/theatre,art, crafts or music, or kindergarten teacher training with specialization in arts.

Course contents

Course Content

This course is for exchange students. At the core of this course will be a personal master’s project centered on the student’s area of study.

The course focuses on both interdisciplinary artistic work through workshops with fellow students and the student’s work with a chosen master’s project. Through the interdisciplinary artistic workshops, the students will gain experience in applying their own artistic expertise in creative processes and in interdisciplinary projects and see this expertise in relation to other field of the arts and contemporary arts methods. A central starting point in the course is contemporary arts practice and theory, that moves between different fields of the arts. This will introduce discourse, expression and understanding of the arts, that lend the differentf ields of the arts a mutual point of reference. The master’s project can be an artistic development project, an artistic research dissertation, an arts related dissemination project or acombination of these.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the students shall:

• be able to apply interdisciplinary methods and complete creative group processes

• be able to apply knowledge of contemporary arts practices and theory across different fields of the arts

• be able to apply artistic research methods and combine artistic research methodologies with artistic research or arts related dissemination work

• have advanced competency in an area of specialization in artistic development, artistic research, arts related dissemination work or a combination of these

• be able to place their own work in relation the interdisciplinary and contemporary arts practice and theory.

Examination requirements

Examination requirements

• Approved attendance of compulsory classes

• Giving feedback and response to a fellow student during the course

• Attending the provided supervision sessions

Teaching methods

Teaching methods

The teaching introduces the field of contemporary art through different theoretical and artistic approaches. Active student participation is required in the form of different project presentations and practical work. The course teaching will comprise a combination of workshops, seminars, and supervision. Workshops will be held by a variety of artists and be based on group work. Each student will have a supervisor whom they will have compulsory supervision meetings with. The first stage of the master’s project is to write a project proposal. The remaining work will be accompanied by individual supervision and regular colloquia where the students will present their projects and progress. The student will get 6 hours with a supervisor during the semester. It is assumed that the students will work independently and systematically, and that they participate in group work, seminars, and lectures. It is also expected that the students will give and get evaluation of their own theoretical and practical work and of the work of others, and that they create colloquia and hold these continuously throughout the course.

Expected workload is 27 hours per credits.



The study programme manager, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, in accordance with the Quality System, section 4.1. 

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment methods and criteria

Examination will consist of two parts:

• Part 1: Development and presentation of you master’s project in progress(approximately 10 min.).

• Part 2: A discussion with supervisor and censor (approximately 10-15 min.), following the project presentation.

Individual assessment will be based on a debriefing and the student’s individual contribution to both the discussion and to the project. The student must pass both elements to pass the overall examination. There will be given one grade based on the assessment of part 1 and 2.

Assessment terminology: Grading by letters

Other information

Responsible faculty

Faculty of Fine Arts

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 5:38:33 AM