The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Cyber Security, Master’s Programme

Teaching language

Norwegian or English. More information at the start of the semester.

Recommended prerequisites

IS-423 Information Security Policy, Legal Aspects and Ethics
IS-424 Strategic Information Security Management
IS-425 Enterprise Systems and Security Architecture
IS-426 Teamwork and Communication
IKT447 Trust, Threats, Risk and Vulnerability

Course contents

The course covers core principles and techniques in project work, as the basis for conducting a project where students apply knowledge gained through the study programme. The project should be based on a current problem related to information systems security in an organization and conducted in collaboration with the problem owner. The project can preferably be conducted as a prestudy for the master thesis and can be completed individually or in groups of two students.

Learning outcomes

Having successfully completed the course, the students will be able to:

  • give an account of the project as organizational form

  • use important techniques in project work

  • plan, report and produce status reports; manage the development of a project

  • reflect over one's own project work and suggest improvements to one's own work practice

  • apply relevant knowledge on information systems security acquired through the study programme to analyze a problem for an organization and contribute to its solution

Teaching methods

The course is organized as seminars with lectures and student presentations. Part of the teaching is mandatory; more detailed information will be given at the start of the term. In addition, there will be individual or group supervision of the project work. The total expected workload is estimated to be approximately 200 hours for the average student.


The person responsible for the course decides, in cooperation with student representative, the form of student evaluation and whether the course is to have a midway or end of course evaluation in accordance with the quality system for education, chapter 4.1.

Assessment methods and criteria

Project report, individually or in groups of two students (graded together). More information on the requirements will be given in Canvas at the start of the semester. Graded assessment, A-F.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 11:37:14 PM