The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Bachelor's Programme in Marketing and Management
  • Bachelor's Programme in Business Administration

Teaching language

Norwegian. The course may be taught in English if exchange students take this course.

Course contents

Theories and examples illustrate how the digital economy and digital platforms can lead to digital transformation and radically new business models. Data becomes more important as basis for innovation and service. Sustainability and ethical considerations will therefore be strategically important in it digital economy. The course provides good insight into digital transformation, platform economics, ethics challenges and service. The subject contains the following topics:

  • Digitization and digital transformation

  • Digital economy and network effects

  • Sustainability and ethical issues

  • Digital platforms and ecosystems

  • Economic characteristics of platforms

  • Business models for digital platforms

  • Service definition in a digital world

This course also provides training in implementing a working prototype of a company's web solution, with social networking and collaboration features, and documenting this work.

Learning outcomes

Digital platforms play an increasingly important role in society and the economy. Such platforms connect players in a market in new ways. Knowledge of such platforms and ability to lead the development of new platforms is therefore a key skill for our students.

After successful completion of the course, the students should:

  • understand digital platforms as a business model, and be able to model similar new business models

  • have a basic understanding of how to develop a website with dynamic, interactive web content yourself

  • have knowledge of management of analytical test and strategy work related to further development and continuous improvement of the organization's digital solutions and business models

After completing the course the students should also:

  • have basic knowledge of digitalization, digital transformation and network effects in the digital economy

  • have knowledge of different types of digital platforms

  • have the ability to reflect on ethical challenges in digitization

  • understand the mechanisms of service in a digital world

Examination requirements

Approved group assignments and presentations, including potentially, individual assignments, and at least 80% attendence at seminars, and scheduled group work. More information in Canvas at semester start.

Teaching methods

Lecture, group work, case work and exercises. Expected work scope is 210 hours.


The person responsible for the course decides, in cooperation with student representative, the form of student evaluation and whether the course is to have a midway or end of course evaluation in accordance with the quality system for education, chapter 4.1.

Admission for external candidates


Offered as Single Standing Module


Assessment methods and criteria

Portfolio in groups with common grades. Graded A-F. More information about content and deadlines in the portfolio will be available in Canvas at the start of the semester. There is no new/postponed examination in this course.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 11:37:02 PM