The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Subject didactics in Teacher Education Level 5-10, 2-year Master’s Programme
  • Master's 5-Year Programme in Teacher Education, level 5-10

Teaching language



Passed the supervised professional training 4th year of studies.

Course contents

The master thesis is an independent research product linked to a topic question of social studies didactics, or other social studies courses whis is relevant for teaching social science in primary school. The assignment should be professional directed and practice-oriented. The content of the course is linked to the students own topic question for the master thesis. Along with the work with the master thesis the student will use theoretical, analytical and methodogical skills the student has aquired along the study. The work is performed in agreement with an apponted supervisor, who has to approve the topic question. The student will be given a supervisor based on the project description.

Learning outcomes

Upon course completion, the candidate:

  • has specialized insight within a defined area of sosial science didactics

  • has in-depth knowledge about research, scientific theory, research methods and ethics which is relevant for the master thesis

  • has in-depth knowledge on how to plan and implement scientific projects

  • has advanced knowledge about analyzing empirical phenomenons using suitable scientific methods

  • has advanced knowledge on how to implement a defined and independent research project within a social science didactics frame work, and according to research ethic guidelines.

Upon course completion, the candidate:

  • can design social science didactict topic questions

  • can analyze and explore topic questions, and present results a scientific way

  • can analyze and be critical about national and international research and apply this working with the master thesis

  • can clarify for the methodical-, research ethical- and scientific topic questions and relate these to the master thesis

General competence:
Upon course completion, the candidate:

  • can, at an advanced level, communicate to different audiences about academic issues related to the professional practice

  • is able to contribute to research- and developement projects in school.

Examination requirements

Participation in mandatory presentation seminars.

Approved and signed supervision contract. The terms in the contract must be met.
Passed all courses in the master programme before the master thesis is handed in.

Teaching methods

Mandatory seminars during the master thesis. The students are entitled to supervision and will be appointed a supervisor. The students will have regular mandatory meetings with the supervisor.

Estimated workload is 800 hours.


The person responsible for the course, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Assessment methods and criteria

The master thesis can be written individually or in pairs. The scope is 40-60 pages/16000-24000 words (50-70 pages/20000-28000 words if in written in pairs).

Letter grades.

Master thesis with oral adjusting exam. Final grade when individual oral exam is completed.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 1, 2024 5:33:44 PM