The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Subject didactics in Teacher Education Level 5-10, 2-year Master’s Programme
  • Master's 5-Year Programme in Teacher Education, level 5-10


All other subjects in the programme must be passed. Primary teacher students must also have passed the praxis in the 4th year.

Course contents

The master's thesis is independent research based on a subject specific didactic theme in English literature, culture or language related to grades 5-10 in primary school. The thesis must be applied in nature and related to the teaching profession. The work must be carried out in cooperation with an appointed supervisor who must accept the research question. The student will have a supervisor appointed on the basis of a project description.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge: Through the work on the master's thesis the student will

  • Gain specialized insight into a topic within English subject didactics

  • Gain detailed knowledge about the current research, scientific theories, research methodologies, and ethics related to the master’s thesis

  • Have knowledge about how a research question relevant for English as a school subject can be formed

Skills: Through the work on the master's thesis the student will

  • Develop the ability to form research questions which are relevant for English teaching, analyze and explore these questions, and present the results in a scholarly manner

  • Develop the ability to critically assess national and international research and apply the gained knowledge in the work with the master’s thesis

  • Develop the ability to describe methodological, ethical, and theoretical questions and connect these to the master’s thesis

General competence: Through the work on the master's thesis the student will

  • Develop the ability to communicate advanced educational research and development work to varied audiences

  • Have given an independent contribution to the educational research with English didactics

Examination requirements

Approved participation in the obligatory tutorials. Approved and signed supervision contract. Fulfilled conditions in the supervision contract.

Teaching methods

Compulsory tutorials (approximately 8 hours). Tutorials can be both individual and group based. The student and the supervisor sign a supervision contract. Estimated workload is between 800 and 900 hours.


The person responsible for the course decides, in cooperation with student representative, the form of student evaluation and whether the course is to have a midway or end of course evaluation in accordance with the quality system for education, chapter 4.1.

Assessment methods and criteria

Master’s thesis can be written individually or in pairs. The thesis is estimated to 40-50 pages/ 16000-20000 words (50-60 pages/20000-24000 words for pairs). It is also possible to include documentation and presentations which combine different media (writing, images, video, audio). In such cases, the scope and form are agreed upon with the supervisor.

The master's thesis is marked separately, and a graded assessment is given.

After the thesis has been assessed, an oral adjusting examination is arranged. The oral exam includes two parts:

  • In part 1, the candidate gives a short presentation of the choice of theories and methods made in the master’s thesis

  • In part 2, the thesis is discussed with the candidate

The oral exam may adjust the grade given for the thesis by one grade.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 5:26:58 AM