The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Master's Programme in Fine Arts

Recommended prerequisites

KF-407 Art and context (10 credits)

Course contents

The course focuses on the relationship between arts professional practices and dissemination practices in a variety of contexts. Emphasis is placed upon dissemination and of art and within the arts practices, and of the role that arts dissemination and plays in other social contexts. Art didactic, curatorial, dramaturgical and art-critical questions within and across the art disciplines are highlighted, and special focus is placed on developments in contemporary art that connect art and art education. The focus on these developments, in the tradition of both socially critical art and the pedagogy of criticism, forms the basis for reflection on artistic dissemination practices and roles.

Planning, completion and reflection upon a dissemination project with a starting point in the student’s individual practice is central to the course. Furthermore, the large and smaller arts and cultural institutions are an arena for exploration of other dissemination practice within and across artistic expressions.

Learning outcomes

After course completion the student must:

  • have insight into the relationship between arts practice, education and dissemination, and especially have knowledge of the development within contemporary art called «educational turn»

  • have knowledge of arts education and dissemination theories and be able to use these in thinking and argumentation in relation to their own practice

  • have in-depth knowledge of different perspectives in arts and cultural education and dissemination

  • have knowledge of arts educational and dissemination practices in different arts and cultural institutions, and arenas

  • be able to complete independent arts educational and/or arts dissemination projects and reflect upon these in relation to different roles that disseminate art in the professional field

Examination requirements

  • Approved attendance of compulsory classes

  • Approved dissemination assignment with submission of a written presentation during the course

More detailed information will be available on Canvas at the start of the semester.

Teaching methods

The course comprises lectures, seminars and practice. During the course the students will work with theory and with practice and they will complete, by opportunity, a dissemination/education project in association with external practitioners e.g. with professional arts collaborators.

The course includes compulsory attendance. Details thereof will be available on Canvas at the start of the semester.

Expected workload is 27 hours per credits.


The person responsible for the course decides, in cooperation with student representative, the form of student evaluation and whether the course is to have a midway or end of course evaluation in accordance with the quality system for education, chapter 4.1.

Admission for external candidates


Assessment methods and criteria

Oral presentation of an arts dissemination / education project. The presentation must be approximately 15 minutes per student. The presentation can be complete as a group or individually.

A 10-15 minute individual in-depth debriefing with the Examinations Committee.

One overall individual grade will be given.

Assessment terminology: Grading by letters.

Reduction of Credits

This course’s contents overlap with the following courses. A reduction of credits will occur if one of these courses is taken in addition:

Course Reduction of Credits
KF-401 – Artistic Dissemination 10
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 1, 2024 1:53:36 AM