The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Bachelor's Programme in IT and Information Systems

Teaching language


Course contents

The course is for students with interested in how to improve their skill concerning learning and teaching, and the importance of ICT solutions for so doing. Therefore, this course should be interesting for almost everyone. Our society is becoming more and more knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive, requiring knowledge concerning adaptability. Employers' ability to adapt (learn new things) to contribute to knowledge development (teach other people) and to understand how technology affects such processes will hence be of critical importance.


In this course, we will bring in various teaching approaches to understand the characteristics of good learning, and how technology influence. You will be challenged to explore different ways of learning, reflect on good assessment and evaluation of learning. Different ICT-based solutions will be presented and tested, both in terms of individual learning and contribution to learning for groups of various sizes. Students will explore different solutions to communicate and collaborate, like for instance video production, online presentation solutions, collaboration tools and learning through social networking communities. Lectures will focus on the social context for understanding trends, opportunities and challenges related to the use of ICT-based solutions for teaching and learning.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, students will be able to:


  • demonstrate knowledge in practice for their own learning, and discuss consequences of different practices for their own learning

  • demonstrate knowledge of different strategies to teach and discuss consequences of different practices to guide teaching

  • insight on how various ICT-based solutions can help enhance learning outcomes, and reflect on how these can be used in own and others' learning

  • demonstrate practical skills in managing ICT-supported learning and teaching

  • understand how evaluation and evaluation criteria impact learning outcomes

  • know ethical challenges using ICT in learning

Examination requirements

Passed assignments, including presentations in plenary sessions, online presentations, testing of ICT-based solutions, active participation group work, and submission of individual reflection notes.

Attendance at the class sessions are of critical importance for being able to deliver mandatory assignments, to fulfill the requirement for being allowed to take the exam.

Teaching methods

Students and lecturers will jointly agree on the organization of work sessions, which will consist of a mix of lectures (with extensive use of guest lectures), group work, student led work sessions, testing of ICT-based solutions, practice-oriented activities, and online presentations and submissions. Much of the workload will be associated with participation in the work sessions (one full day per week, or two half-days), in addition to work related to the hand-ins.


Standard workload for 7.5 ECTS are 10 hours' work per week


The person responsible for the course, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Offered as Single Standing Module


Assessment methods and criteria

Examinations will be portfolio assessment in which the assessment will consist of two parts:


1) Group assignment. The group work will run throughout the full semester.

2) Individual assignment. This relates to the core topics within the course: what is good learning, what is good teaching, and how to manage good learning and teaching processes that includes ICT-based tools.


For both subtasks, students and lecturers will work together to develop assessment and evaluation criteria. This also counts into the grading determined by the lecturer.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 1, 2024 1:53:08 AM