The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Subject didactics in Teacher Education Level 1-7, 2-year Master’s Programme
  • Master's 5-Year Programme in Teacher Education, level 1-7

Teaching language

This course is taught in Norwegian and an English translation of the course description is not available.


Passed supervised professional training in addition to ERN400 Food and culture in a social perspective, ERN402 Food and lifestyle in a health promoting perspective, ERN401Food and consumption in a sustainability perspective and PEL4XX or equivalent.

Course contents

Five ECTS credits in this subject are common for all primary and lower secondary school teacher students (italicized learning outcome descriptions). In this common part, topics that are relevant to the researching teacher are addressed (italicized). The remaining 10 credits in the subject are subject specific.

  • Science theory and method

  • Research ethics

  • Source search/source use

  • Academic reading and writing

  • Strengths and limitations in various methods in diet research and in research on children and food

  • Challenges in research in practical-aesthetical subjects

  • Evaluating research literature within the field of food and health

  • Research methods that highlight the pupil´s perspective in food and health

  • The pupil as researcher in food and health

  • Tools for evaluation of learning in food and health

Learning outcomes


The recently graduated teacher

  • has in-depth knowledge about science theory and method with relevance to the researching teacher

  • has in-depth knowledge about research ethics, source use, and academic reading and writing

  • has advanced knowledge about strengths and limitations concerning diet research on children and adolescents

  • has insight into challenges of research in practical-aesthetic subjects



The recently graduated teacher

  • can apply and critically evaluate different research methods that are relevant for classroom research/school research

  • can use electronic search tools to find relevant research literature and critically evaluate this

  • can critically evaluate research literature within the field of food and health based on given criteria

  • can use research methods that highlight the pupil´s perspective in food and health

  • can develop lesson plans in food and health with the pupil as researcher

  • can develop tools to evaluate learning in food and health

General competence

The recently graduated teacher

  • can at an advanced level, contribute to research-informed development work that promotes academic understanding and pedagogical innovation in school

  • can evaluate research on learning and use this to promote in-depth learning in food and health

Examination requirements

  • approved work requirements

  • participation in seminars with critical evaluation of subject-specific research

See further description in Canvas.

Teaching methods

The instruction will be characterized by varied work forms, and will be given as lectures, seminars, assignments, oral presentations and tutorials. Through exemplary forms of teaching, students will gain experience how to work as a researcher in a professional community. In addition to lectures, students are expected to work on assignments and literature studies, both individually and in groups. A considerable part of the students´ learning and maturing will take place through such self-effort. Expected student work load is estimated to about 400 hours, divided between 130 hours in common topics and 270 hours in subject-specific topics.


The person responsible for the course, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Assessment methods and criteria

One summary grade will be given. This grade is based on the two following components:

3 hours individual, written exam (short answer test) in the common topics (1/3)

6 hours individual written exam in the subject-specific topics (2/3).

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:55:05 AM