The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Bachelor's Programme in English
  • Bachelor's Programme in Applied Philosophy
  • Bachelor's Programme in History
  • Bachelor's Programme in Religion, Ethics and Society

Teaching language



A student must be registered at the Bachelor's programme in Religion, Ethics and Society or the Bachelor's programme in History. 60 ECTS credits of the major in must be assessed as a pass.

Course contents

The course will offer the students understanding of and experience with the ways in which humanistic competence can be applied in an occupational setting. The course is divided into three parts; theory, practice and a written assignment. The theory part treats topics relevant for occupational life. During the practice period, the students pass three weeks in an organization, a private company or a public institution, where they participate in the day-to-day activities. The quality of the practice is assured by the teacher and a supervisor at the specific partner institution. During the last part of the study the students will work on a paper focusing on the cohesion between the practice and the course content.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course the students shall

  • Have obtained a general insight into the demands and expectations of occupational life

  • Have an insight into theories of economic growth, organizations, leadership, change, communication, motivation, teambuilding, culture building, self-leadership and role-comprehension in occupational life

  • Be conscious of his/her own competence and its relevance in occupational life

  • Have knowledge about the characteristic activities, routines and work tasks at the practice institution

  • Be able to reflect upon the connection between the practice, the course content and the student's own vocational competence

Examination requirements

80 % obligatory attendance at teaching and practice. The practice must be completed and passed.

Teaching methods

Lectures, work seminars, self-study and practice. Compulsory attendance at teaching and practice.

The workload is estimated to about 270 hours.


The person responsible for the course, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Assessment methods and criteria

A practice-related paper of 14000-16000 signs, including space between words. Graded assessment.

Other information

There is a limited number of places. Application and admission will take place in the third semester of the bachelor's programme.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 1:52:46 AM