Teaching language


Course contents

The course focuses on how technological change influences political dialogue and, thereby, political processes in our society. We will discuss questions like: (i) How to understand technology from a social science perspective? (ii) What is the relation between political communication and technological trends? (iii) How is technology challenged through the existing organisation of political parties and other political stakeholders in society? (iv) How can technology, positively and negatively, influence an open political dialogue in our society?

We will start by establishing a common theoretical understanding in order to be able to analyse technology and technological change in a social science context. Then we will focus on different technological trends in order to understand in full what we are discussing and existing possibilities and restrictions. Finally, we will discuss how technology influences and challenges political processes and political dialogue by discussing contemporary examples from the global, national and local spheres.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the students shall


  • Understand technology from a social science perspective

  • Understand what is meant by enlightened political dialogue, and have insight into how technological change may influence this dialogue

  • Have insight into technological trends related to the area of technology and politics

  • Have insight into central examples where technology challenges politics


  • Be able to discuss existing and future technological trends from a social science perspective, and analyse how this may influence the idea of an enlightened political dialogue

General competences

  • Be able to participate in an academically based discussion about the technological influence on political dialogue and political processes in today’s society, and identify new examples where technology challenges traditional political formulation

Examination requirements

Compulsory assignments must be approved. The student must have participated in the compulsory gathering at the beginning of the semester. More information will be published in Canvas.

Teaching methods

The course is web-based with a compulsory 3-4 day physical gathering at the beginning of the semester. Students will submit assignments of varying length throughout the semester, participate in group discussions and in supervised activities. The workload is estimated at 270 hours.


The person responsible for the course decides, in cooperation with student representative, the form of student evaluation and whether the course is to have a midway or end of course evaluation in accordance with the quality system for education, chapter 4.1.

Assessment methods and criteria

 The examination has two parts, and both are individual. Graded assessment.

  • During the semester, students must submit two to three assignments related to central course topics (counting 40%)

  • A two-day home examination at the end of the semester (counting 60%)

Further details will be published in Canvas.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:52:46 AM