Recommended prerequisites

10 ECTS credit methods in the field of social sciences, for example ME-400

Course contents

The course addresses key elements and questions related to scientific work. First, the characteristics of scientific knowledge are the main issue, and furthermore, the students are introduced to various scientific theoretical positions in the social sciences. Second, academic writing and literature are focused on. What characterizes academic modes of presentation that are credible and convincing will be focused on. Thirdly, the research process and design of the research project are central themes, where the focus is directed towards choosing the design of own research in connection with, e.g. the master's thesis. Fourth, we recommend choosing a specialization in either qualitative or quantitative research methods, depending on the type of data construction that will be acquired for the design one has chosen, and with emphasis on various data sources, data collections and methods of analysis.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:

  • Master rules, guidelines and norms for social science text production, and being able to produce research based on these guidelines.

  • Understand and be able to distinguish between different scientific theoretical positions and the implications for research.

  • Choose, design, and justify a research project.

  • Select and justify the research methodology.

  • Select, give reasons for and conduct the data collection in a research project.

  • Choose, justify and perform an analysis of the empirical material.

Examination requirements

Submission of individual assignments/compulsory work requirements.

Teaching methods

A combination of lectures, seminars, individual- and group exercises.


The course responsible, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1.

Assessment methods and criteria

Portfolio exam. Counting 100 %.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:52:27 AM