Teaching language


Course contents

The course gives insight into central terms and problems within the field of supervision and contributes to in-depth knowledge about the various theories, approaches, roles, relations and activities within the field of pedagogical supervision. Conscious development of the professional role of the practice supervisor and the student will constitute a fundamental part of the course. It is essential that the student develops an analytical, reflective and critical view on supervision, and adapts methods and strategies of supervision to varying needs and contexts. Through increased supervision competence the student will learn to apply experience- and research-based knowledge, which will contribute to increase pre-school quality. Ethical challenges in supervision on the system- and individual levels are central. Central steering documents for the contents and function of pre-school are emphasised.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the students shall:


  • Have in-depth knowledge about and a critical approach to theories on general supervision and pedagogical supervision and strategies

  • Be able to identify and apply knowledge about communication and interaction in supervision

  • Have advanced knowledge about practice as a learning arena for professional education


  • Be able to plan and carry out supervision, analyse and discuss strategies for supervision

  • Be able to investigate, analyse and reflect on practice situations, and give a formative response

  • Be able to apply basic skills in supervision on an individual level and on system level 36

  • Be able to plan supervision related to the mandate of pre-school in society, frames and guidelines

General competence

  • Be able to analyse and assess the importance of supervision for the student’s learning and development

  • Be able to maintain the student’s needs and integrity in the practice situation

  • Be able to apply, convey and relate critically to pedagogical and didactical approaches to the field of supervision

  • Be able to identify and find solutions to ethical problems in accordance with a fundamental ethical attitude

Examination requirements

Group work must be approved. Participation at seminars for training supervision skills. Approved written individual report from completed supervision practice. Further information will be given in the semester plan.

Teaching methods

Plenary teaching, basis groups, practical supervision exercises and written work. Assignments and an individual practice report will be handed in and responded to digitally on Canvas. The course is practice related and presupposes active student participation.

The workload is estimated at 400 hours.


The person responsible for the course, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1. Information about evaluation method for the course will be posted on Canvas.

Offered as Single Standing Module

Yes. Subject to availability or capacity.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral group examination. Individual assessment.

Graded assessment.

Reduction of Credits

This course’s contents overlap with the following courses. A reduction of credits will occur if one of these courses is taken in addition:

Course Reduction of Credits
PED981 – Veiledningspedagogikk 1 for praksislærere i barnehagelærerutdanningen 15
PED981 – Veiledningspedagogikk 1 for praksislærere i barnehagelærerutdanningen 15
PED992 – Veilederutdanning grunnemne. Veiledningsteori og metode 10
PED976 – Veilederutdanning for praksislærere i barnehage 10
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:51:28 AM