The course is connected to the following study programs

Course contents

Topics include:

- What is an organisation?

- Objectives,strategies, efficiency and productivity in organisations

- Organisational structures

- Professions in organsiations

- Organisation culture

- Power, conflicts and negotiations in organisations

- Organisations and surroundings

- Organisations and the individual, motivation and Human Resource Management (HRM)

- Central behavioural processes in organisations, communications, decisions and change

- Management in organisations

Emphasis is placed on communicating a multitude of understandings of organizations.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Describe theoretical concepts and organizational models and management theories

  • Basic knowledge about what characterizes public organizations

  • Analyze organizational phenomena and processes

  • Evaluate organizations and management

Examination requirements

Approved compulsory group assignment.

Teaching methods

Instruction includes lectures, seminars/group works. Students are expected to learn through contribution in playing an active part in group and individual work.


The person responsible for the course, in consultation with the student representative, decides the method of evaluation and whether the courses will have a midterm- or end of term evaluation, see also the Quality System, section 4.1.

Admission for external candidates


Offered as Single Standing Module


Subject to aviliability.

Assessment methods and criteria

5-hour individual, written in-school examination.

Reduction of Credits

This course’s contents overlap with the following courses. A reduction of credits will occur if one of these courses is taken in addition:

Course Reduction of Credits
OR-2100 – Organisation analysis 15
OR-2100 – Organisation analysis 10
ORG106 – Management, Organisation and Work Life 10
ORG104 – Organisation and Management 7.5
ORG104 – Organisation and Management 7.5
ORG104 – Organisation and Management 7.5
ORG109 – Organisation Theory 7.5
ORG103 – Organisation, Communication and Collaboration 5
ORG110 – Organizational Theory for IT Students 5
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 1:50:20 AM