The course is connected to the following study programs

  • School of Business and Law, PhD programme

Teaching language



The course is only open for PhD candidates at the School of Business and Law after agreement with the Head of PhD Programme

Course contents

ME-6XX is an individual reading course, advised and tailored to the single PhD candidate´s research project and research problem. Reading list and more detailed contents description will be developed by the PhD candidate in collaboration with the supervisor(s). The supervisor guiding the PhD candidate needs to be at least associate professor (or similar position) or professor. The course aim is to enable the candidate to delve deeply into a field, assess a range of theories, discuss their position relative to each other and reflect both in speech and writing on their salience for the PhD project.

ME-6XX is principally aimed at candidates who struggle to find relevant and timely courses at UiA or other universities. Lack of availability or last-minute cancellations may create demand for individual reading courses. This course is not part of the ordinary department PhD course portfolio and will be accepted on a case by case basis and as an exception.

The course will be given as a 5 ECTS course. 5 ECTS credits corresponds to a workload of at least 125 hours.

Learning outcomes

At the completion of the course, the candidate will be able to:

  • Summarize the main outlines of the research field covered in the reading material
  • Have an advanced understanding of theories relevant to the PhD project in question
  • Have significant understanding of how these theories are positioned in relation to other theories within the areas covered at the Business School
  • Critically examine contributions to the relevant research field 
  • Have capacity in speech and in writing to communicate theories in scientific fora as well as non-scientific fora

Examination requirements

Oral presentation approved by adviser(s) and PhD committee.

Teaching methods

The course is a combination of literature searching, reading, writing and regular discussions

with supervisor(s), as well as oral presentations in relevant fora. The following items pertain:


  • Selection of a reading list of at least 500 pages. Number of pages will depend on whether they are derived from journal articles or monographs, as well as their general level. The PhD candidate selects the readings in collaboration with supervisor(s), and one external person with specialized knowledge within the field of study. A proposal for a course paper is presented for approval to the PhD committee along with the reading list.
  • The PhD candidate delivers a paper of at least 6000 words (excepting reference list), within a stated deadline. Ideally, the paper may be a first draft of a journal article or thesis monograph chapter. Length and format will be amended according to the relevant journal or monograph part. Supervising is provided in the writing process.
  • As part of the submission, the PhD candidate delivers an oral presentation of the written paper, in a department/faculty/lunch seminar with a discussant appointed by the supervisor(s) or PhD committee.


Emneansvarlig i samråd med studenttillitsvalgt fastsetter evalueringsform og om emnene skal ha midtveis- eller sluttevaluering, jf. kvalitetssystemet kapittel 4.1. Informasjon om evalueringsform for emnet publiseres i Canvas.

Offered as Single Standing Module


Assessment methods and criteria

Course paper. Pass/Fail - where Pass must be equivalent to the letter grade B or better.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:49:14 AM