The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Workplace based Pre-school education, bachelor's programme
  • Workplace based Pre-school education, bachelor's programme

Teaching language



A minimum of 35 ECTS has to be completed within the first two years of study in the Workplace based Pre-school education. The formal work requirements in BUL100 Children's development, Play and Learning needs to be completed and approved.

Recommended prerequisites

Society, Religion, Lifeviews and Ethics
Language, Text and Mathematics
Art, Culture and Creativity
Nature, Health and Movement

Course contents

This field of study examines educational management in kindergarten, personnel management and management of change and development in organizations. In this area of ¿¿knowledge we emphasize understanding of how managerial actions can help to strengthen the kindergarten as a learning and development arena, and contribute to a better understanding of the profession's core content. Guidance and management of children and coworkers' learning plays a key role, as well as the use of different methods and tools that lend themselves to developing strategies, initiate and lead development. The knowledge area highlights the change and development taking place organizationally and individually related to educational work in kindergarten.


The knowledge base is based on teacher education curricula from pedagogy and social sciences. Instruction shall clarify a kindergarten teaching approach and didactic research related to knowledge area where practice is an integral part.

Learning outcomes



The student has:


  • knowledge of pedagogy and kindergarten history, culture and character, laws and other regulatory documents

  • knowledge of relevant research methods and tools as a basis for management and development

  • knowledge of the management and guidance of people with different backgrounds and different assumptions

  • knowledge of power, participation, diversity and equality in democratic processes in pre-school

  • knowledge of collaborative processes between children, parents and staff

  • knowledge of external partners.




The student can:


  • show independence in leading guidance and cooperation processes in developmental and pedagogical work with children, staff and parents

  • apply relevant research in the development of the pre-school teaching profession

  • independently and in collaboration with others, to prepare, justify, implement, document and evaluate pedagogical work

  • adopt appropriate methods and tools in dealing with developmental and learning

  • reflect on their own and kindergarten practice in the further development of pre-school teacher role and professional ethics.


General competence


The student:


  • can lead pedagogical work and make decisions that lead to the development of kindergarten practice

  • have relational understanding and skills, and master communication with children, parents and staff

  • can be constructive dialogue partner with the home and external partners

  • can see how structural and cultural factors provide a framework for governance and development

  • identify areas requiring development work and can assess what management actions that are necessary to realize the desired development

Examination requirements

A completed development work in practice. Practice must be passed. Students must also partake in obligatory activities in order to take the exam.

Teaching methods

Lectures online, guided practice and joint meetings at campus. Joint meetings at campus can among others include seminar work, practical lectures, work with problems, field work and exscursions.

The kindergarten is an important arena for learning in the workplace based pre-school education. Between study sessions on campus, the students have tasks to be solved at the individual workplace.

In this course there is 3 weeks of practice included. Tasks in practice will enrich the students' experience on issues that are dealt with in this course. Practice is an integral part of this course and study programme. It is obligatory, and includes tasks to be solved and will be linked to the pre-school teacher profession. Practice is supervised and graded pass / fail.

Expected scope of the course is about 405 hours.


Course evaluation is carried out as a midterm evaluation in accordance with standard procedure in the quality assurance system, chapter 2.1.1., unless other information is given in the beginning of the semester.

Assessment methods and criteria

At-home exam. Graded assessment. More information will be given at a later date on Canvas.

Reduction of Credits

This course’s contents overlap with the following courses. A reduction of credits will occur if one of these courses is taken in addition:

Course Reduction of Credits
LSU300K – Leadership, co-operation and development 15
LSU300D – Ledelse, samarbeid og utviklingsarbeid 15
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:48:15 AM